Promote a Harmonious Atmosphere at Home or Work
Feng Shui Services & Coaching From Feng Shui Connections
Enjoy creating harmony in your environment and life with a consultation from Feng Shui Connections. We rely on the universal principles of feng shui, I Ching, quantum physics and other teachings to help you create your own success.
Shift the energy in your home, business and self with the help of Feng Shui Connections. We're based in Silver Lake, NH, and we serve clients globally. Call 603-867-4347 today to find out more about what our services can do for you.
Click the banner to learn about Focused Life Force Energy, a service that brings a level of high consciousness (a good vibe!) to your home or phone (so that you carry it with you). The various features are highlighted in the banner.

Bring Balance
to Your Home, Your Office and Your World
Hire Feng Shui Connections
Redirect the energy in your home or workplace
Enhance your life by transforming your space with feng shui services from Feng Shui Connections. There are numerous benefits to employing feng shui in your home or office. Feng shui can lead to:
- Increased wealth
- Opportunities for promotion
- Enhanced love life
- Better family relationships
- Improvements to your health
Start reaping the rewards of feng shui today. Schedule an appointment with Feng Shui Connections right away. Ask about life coaching to put you on track to achieve your goals and dreams.

Make Sure Your Life Is on the Right Track
Grow your business with business consultant and feng shui guru Peg, Donahue. Her time tested methods are guaranteed to get you results.
Create a healthy and supportive home environment. Peg can help you get back on track and adjust to recent life changes.
There are many forms and styles of Life Coaching. The Dream Coach® Model is a proven approach.
Put your surroundings in balance
Bring more meaning to your life by aligning your mind, body and spirit with your home and workspace. Choose Feng Shui Connections for feng shui, personal energy clearings, space clearing, life coaching, I Ching readings and other services. We'll help you create a more supportive and productive living and working environment.
Schedule an appointment today by calling 603-867-4347. Based in Silver Lake, NH we serve clients globally.