I Ching Weekly Reflection

Much of feng shui's foundational information is rooted in the I Ching, one of the oldest books from China. You ask an open ended question and reflect on the answer. Each week I ask the question "What do I need to know this week?" and post the response. Studying the meaning of the hexagrams is an excellent way of connecting with current energies, noticing patterns, and learning how to "go with the flow." The first hexagram is for the present and the second one is for the future. The changing lines are a bridge from "now" to "then." This page begins with January 1, 2022.

May you find the reflections helpful. For a personalized reading, contact Peg Donahue.

What do I need to know this week for my highest good?

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Hexagram 23: Deterioration changes to Hexagram 13: Stagnation.

Changing line: 6.

Hexagram 23:
Mountain over Earth forms the condition for Deterioration. It is part of the natural order of ebb and flow. Contemplate this time with great care, particularly in financial and business matters. Build a secure foundation by consolidating relationships. Keep a low profile. Nurture your body and mind. Look for wisdom within. The time to move toward your goal will come again.

Changing line 6: The forces of Deterioration have ended. Power will return to persons of worthwhile vision.

Hexagram 12: Heaven over Earth forms the condition for Stagnation. Growth has stopped and things are at an impasse temporarily. Do not try to influence others. This is a time to hold onto your values, principles, and inner confidence. Remove yourself from any situation that causes conflict. This time will pass.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Hexagram 60: Limitations changes to Hexagram 3: Difficult Beginnings

Changing line: 2.

Hexagram 60:
Water over Lake forms the condition for Limitations. This is a time to set practical limits related to money, time, energy, emotions, and behavior, to bring future opportunity. Life without guidelines can be confusing and unsettling. Practical rules and regulations limit extravagant practices, help conserve resources, and bring balance. For steady progress and true meaning, define and observe reasonable limits in all you do.

Changing line 2: Lift excessive limitations you my have placed on yourself or the situation. Take action when you see potential.

Hexagram 3: Water over Thunder forms the condition for Difficult Beginnings. A realm of the unknown. Every new venture begins with some chaos. Concentrate on the current situation and build a foundation. Exceptional progress is in store for you if you do.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Hexagram 53: Developing changes to Hexagram 39: Obstacles.

Changing line: 6.

Hexagram 53:
Wind over Mountain forms the condition for Developing. This is a time natural unfolding of events. Allow the situation to develop gradually. Success comes as you maintain a clear vision of your plans while adapting to established traditions.

Changing line 6: You set a good example for others as you achieve your successes. Good fortune.

Hexagram 39: Water over Mountain forms the condition for Obstacles. When water meets an obstacle, it stops flowing. A pause in motion allows the water a chance to gather strength, build up, and eventually flow over the obstacle. This hexagram is about obstructions that are most likely in your own thinking or of your own doing. A saying that best fits this hexagram is "You are caught between a rock and a hard place." Retreat, reflect, and self-correct to remove the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual obstacles in your path. Any strong negative emotions (such as fear, frustration, anger, blame, shame) are an indication that your energy is out of balance. A trusted friend or counselor may help you to identify the best way forward.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Hexagram 23: Deterioration changes to Hexagram 2: Natural Response

Changing line: 6.

Hexagram 23:
Mountain over Earth forms the condition for Deterioration. It is part of the natural order of ebb and flow. Contemplate this time with great care, particularly in financial and business matters. Build a secure foundation by consolidating relationships. Keep a low profile. Nurture your body and mind. Look for wisdom within. The time to move toward your goal will come again..

Changing line 6: The forces of Deterioration have ended. Power will return to persons of worthwhile vision.

Hexagram 2: Earth over Earth forms the condition for Natural Response.. You are dealing with realities vs. potentials. Accept help from friends and associates and allow yourself to be led to the best possible position. Broaden your attitudes and opinions and view the world with an open mind. Others help you accomplish aims, it is not the time to act independently. Natural Response brings exceptional progress..

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Hexagram 63: After the End.

There are no changing lines.

Hexagram 63:
Water over Fire forms the condition for Aftert the End. You have reached equilibrium and the end of a phase. Rather than relax, this is the time to contemplate and prepare for what is next. Changing circumstances and relationships provide the opportunity to strengthen your position and character. Take care of details along the way to help you successfully move toward what is next. Misfortune can be avoided through proper planning and foresight.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Hexagram 56 Traveling.
There are no changing lines.

Hexagram 56
Fire over Mountain forms the condition for Traveling. You are moving through the situation at hand. You will move on. Clearly define your goals. Be honest and obliging. Avoid long term commitments in personal and social relationships. Maintain your integrity.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Hexagram 11: Prospering changes to Hexagram 32: Continuing.

Changing lines: 1 and 4.

Hexagram 11:
Earth over  Heaven forms the condition for Prospering. YCosmic forces are favorable to benefit from the harmony between Heaven and Earth. Ideal condition for new awakenings. There will be good fortune and progress. Maintaining peace of mind, with or without hard work, supports success and prosperity.

Changing line 1: Actions will meet with good fortune as you attract like-minded people with similar goals.

Changing line 4: Unite and communicate with those around you. Maintain a steady path toward your goals.

Hexagram 32: Thunder over Wind forms the condition for Continuing. Work within established systems to bring about order, unity, and security to you and your community. Introduce new thought while adhering to the foundations that support sound growth and a well-ordered life./p>

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Hexagram 35: Progress changes to Hexagram 30: Synergy.

Changing lines: 1 and 2.

Hexagram 35:
Fire over Earth forms the condition for Progress. Fire is radiant energy. The sun rising above the earth is a time of rapid progress. This is a favorable time to make personal and professional progress, as long as your aims are sincere and benefit the greater good. Good ideas are best put to use serving others. Progressive action meets great success.

Changing line 1: Overcome others' lack of confidence in you through your warmth and generosity.

Changing line 2: Continue your efforts and maintain your virtues. An unexpected breakthrough may occur with authorities.

Hexagram 30: Fire over Lake forms the condition for Synergy. Qualities of Fire include illumination and intelligence. This hexagram of fire over fire (double fire) represents an opportunity for leaders to inspire and enlighten others. Create synergy within yourself. In personal relationships, aligning your desires can bring good fortune. Alleviate pressures quietly.

August 25, 2024

Hexagram 45: Assembling changes to Hexagram 31: Attraction.

Changing line: 3.

Hexagram 45:
Lake over Earth forms the condition for Assembling. Will you be participating in a group assembly? Strong bonds will be developed through shared common goals, The time is right to drop defenses. Be sincere and have a goal in mind. Shared bonds and goals unite people and groups. Alignment with goals brings confidence and well-being. Good fortune.

Changing line 3: Achieve your aim by aligning yourself with a key member of the group.

Hexagram 31: Lake over Mountain forms the condition for Attraction. The Universe is held together by a complex network of various forms of attraction, which create all things. Your position of power influences the current circumstances. Allow your goal to influence and change you. The attraction is reciprocal.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Hexagram 20 Contemplating.
There are no changing lines.

Hexagram 20:
Wind over Earth forms the condition for Contemplating. Approach all situations with seasonality in mind: the Spring of new ideas, the summer of work and growth, the autumn of harvest and completion and the winter of rest. Reflect on the season of situation and you can approach it with a predictable plan. Honest contemplation will help you to explore new ideas, reflect, and modify any practices that need adjustment.

Sunday, Auguist 11, 2024

Hexagram 5 Calculated Waiting.
There are no changing lines.

Hexagram 5:
Water over Heaven forms the condition for Calculated Waiting. This can be a challenging time since the elements involved are not under your control. The situation is out of any one person's hands. Stay focused in the present and use this time to align internal and external energy. Keep thoughts and words positive. Wait until circumstances are in your favor to act. Ultimately you will meet success..

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Hexagram 48: The Source.
There are no changing lines.

Hexagram 48:
Water over Wind forms the condition for The Source. The Source is the inexhaustible pool of collective nourishment and truth available to each of us. With a peaceful and reflective approach, go deep inside to gain clarity about the matter at hand. The deeper you go, the more meaningful your insight may be. Practice acceptance over judgment.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Hexagram 9: Restrained.
There are no changing lines.

Hexagram 9:
Wind over Heaven forms the condition for Restrained. Your impulses, intentions and plans may be held in check by an unknown detail. Stay close to the situation you wish to affect. Attend to details and avoid aggressive action. Restrain yourself until your plan can be accommodated.

Sunda,y, July 21, 2024

Hexagram 25: Innocence.
There are no changing lines.

Hexagram 25:
Heaven over Thunder forms the condition for Innocence. Be prepared for a surprising, refreshing, turn of events. Align with the flow of the cosmos before taking action. The path to your goal is indirect. Rely on principles and virtues, not clever strategies. For optimal results, act innocently without conscious purpose and without ulterior motive. The unexpected helps stimulate new solutions. Act without thought of compensation or gain in stature..

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Hexagram 58: Encouraging changes to Hexagram 25: Innocence.

Changing lines: 2 and 6.

Hexagram 58:
Lake over Lake forms the condition for Encouraging. The "Lake" trigram is called "Joy." True joy is achieved gradually and steadily. Stand firm in truth while being kind, generous, gentle and accepting. Spend time with like-minded friends. Encourage and be encouraged by others. Communication is enhanced and cooperation leads to success. Encouragement from others will help you to be successful, just as you do the same for them.

Changing line 2: Maintain your integrity and focus on the truth of highest principles for good fortune. Avoid inferior people and activities.

Changing line 6: Cultivate well-being from within in order to peacefully coexist with inferior elements in the exterior world.

Hexagram 25: Heaven over Thunder forms the condition for Innocence. Be prepared for a surprising, refreshing, turn of events. Align with the flow of the cosmos before taking action. The path to your goal is indirect. Rely on principles and virtues, not clever strategies. For optimal results, act innocently without conscious purpose and without ulterior motive. The unexpected helps stimulate new solutions. Act without thought of compensation or gain in stature.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Hexagram 50: Cosmic Order changes to Hexagram 56: Traveling

Changing line: 2.

Hexagram 50:
Fire over Wind forms the condition for Cosmic Order. When the development of the individual and the needs of the cosmos are in harmony, Cosmic Order exists. To flourish, align your aims and desires with the needs of the flow of the cosmos. Great deeds are possible when you act in harmony with the Cosmos.

Changing line 2: Standing apart from others will help you to achieve your goal. Good fortune.


Hexagram 56: Fire over Mountain forms the condition for Traveling. You are moving through the situation at hand. You will move on. Clearly define your goals. Be honest and obliging. Avoid long term commitments in personal and social relationships. Maintain your integrity.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Hexagram 22: Grace changes to Hexagram 49: Changing.

Changing lines: 4, 5, and 6.

Hexagram 22:
Mountain over Fire forms the condition for Grace. Fire at the foot of the Mountain creates a perfect time to bring clarity to your mind, happiness to your heart, and peace to your soul. This is an enriching time for self development and self expression. An exceptional time for inspiration.

Changing line 4: Choose between an outer or inner path. The inner path is one of deeper self-knowledge and simplicity..

Changing line 5: You are more worthy than you recognize. Be sincere and you will meet with good fortune.

Changing line 6: Follow a simple yet sincere path. Your radiance shines externally.

Hexagram 49: Lake over Fire forms the condition for Changing. A gradual transformation may be in order to avoid stagnation. Approach change with a correct attitude. Avoid haste and excessive behavior. Timing is very important. Allow time for the process to unfold as you gain the trust of others and regret disappears.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Hexagram 61: Insight changes to Hexagram 4: Inexperience.

Changing lines: 1 and 5.

Hexagram 61:
Wind over Lake forms the condition for Insight. This is a time for achievement through the power of insight. Be open and free of prejudice. Move beyond mind into pure observation and acceptance. Negotiate in disputes and moderate rigid ideas. Rely upon your inner strength and character.

Changing line 1: Look inside for guidance and insight into proper action. Follow your principles.

Changing line 5: You are in a position of leadership on this matter as others looks to you for guidance.

Hexagram 4: Mountain over Water forms the condition for Inexperience.Know that you do not know what to do. Examine blind spots, ask for help, and discover what you must learn. Consider the advice of your Advisor. There is something new to discover as you continue to cultivate your character. "Empty vessels" have room to collect, gather and store what is needed or what would be helpful.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Hexagram 15: Moderation changes to Hexagram 22: Grace.

Changing lines: 1 and 6.

Hexagram 15:
Earth over Mountain forms the condition for Moderation. This is a time to balance extremes, moderate any unrealistic ideals, and harmonize interests. Concentrate on bringing equilibrium to your situations and relationships.

Changing line 1: Carry out your endeavor quietly, thoroughly and competently, without announcing your aims, for good fortune.

Changing line 6: Take responsibility for yourself. Do not blame others. Further self development will yield many benefits.

Hexagram 22: Mountain over Fire forms the condition for Grace. Fire at the foot of the Mountain creates a perfect time to bring clarity to your mind, happiness to your heart, and peace to your soul. This is an enriching time for self development and self expression. An exceptional time for inspiration.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Hexagram 39: Obstacles

There are no changing lines.

Hexagram 39:
Water over Mountain forms the condition for Obstacles. When water meets an obstacle, it stops flowing. A pause in motion allows the water a chance to gather strength, build up, and eventually flow over the obstacle. This hexagram is about obstructions that are most likely in your own thinking or of your own doing. A saying that best fits this hexagram is "You are caught between a rock and a hard place." Retreat, reflect, and self-correct to remove the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual obstacles in your path. Any strong negative emotions (such as fear, frustration, anger, blame, shame) are an indication that your energy is out of balance. A trusted friend or counselor may help you to identify the best way forward.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Hexagram 8: Unity changes to Hexagram 45: Assembling.

Changing line: 4.

Hexagram 8:
Water over Earth forms the condition for Unity. Unity brings good fortune. Take advantage of the opportunities that arise. If you are uncertain, return to your plan. Procrastination brings misfortune. The time is right to lead, be heard and influence others.

Changing line 4: Openly support leaders in your community while remembering allegiance to self.

Hexagram 45: Lake over Earth forms the condition for Assembling. Will you be participating in a group assembly? Strong bonds will be developed through shared common goals, The time is right to drop defenses. Be sincere and have a goal in mind. Shared bonds and goals unite people and groups. Alignment with goals brings confidence and well-being. Good fortune.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Hexagram 51: Shocking changes to Hexagram 31: Attraction.

Changing lines: 1, 3 and 5.

Hexagram 9:
Thunder over Thunder forms the condition for Shocking. The sudden force of double thunder represents very powerful and intense energy. Similar to spring, the time is right for new growth to burst forth. This energy can be unpredictable, bringing you close to the inner workings of your nature. Although fear may inspire you to make initial changes, the sudden force of stored energy ultimately yields progress. Use this time to inspire yourself to make personal changes that will increase your vitality and success.

Changing line 1: Shock can end up teaching a lesson for which you are grateful.

Changing line 3: Choose a positive way or path to move through shock, particularly that resulting from fate.

Changing line 5: Change with the times for ultimate success, while remaining balanced and centered, internally and externally.

Hexagram 31: Lake over Mountain forms the condition for Attraction. The Universe is held together by a complex network of various forms of attraction, which create all things. Your position of power influences the current circumstances. Allow your goal to influence and change you. The attraction is reciprocal.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Hexagram 45: Assembling changes to Hexagram 16: Harmonize.

Changing line: 5.

Hexagram 45:
Lake over Earth forms the condition for Assembling. Will you be participating in a group assembly? Strong bonds will be developed through shared common goals, The time is right to drop defenses. Be sincere and have a goal in mind. Shared bonds and goals unite people and groups. Alignment with goals brings confidence and well-being. Good fortune..

Changing line 5: You can gain the confidence of the group through virtue and leadership..

Hexagram 16: Thunder over Earth forms the condition for Harmonize. Listen to your inner voice. You are in a position to harmonize socially and communicate your ideas and interests. Do so by aligning your values with those of society and gain the cooperation of others. Anticipate what is needed. Select enthusiastic supporters. The path of truth is always the path of least resistance.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Hexagram 42: Benefit.

There are no changing lines.

Hexagram 42:
Wind over Thunder forms the condition for Benefit. This is a very favorable time for energies directed toward worthwhile endeavors and those of service to others. Generous actions can enhance all relationships.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Hexagram 45: Assembling.

There are no changing lines.

Hexagram 57:
Lake over Earth forms the condition for Assembling. Will you be participating in a group assembly? Strong bonds will be developed through shared common goals, The time is right to drop defenses. Be sincere and have a goal in mind. Shared bonds and goals unite people and groups. Alignment with goals brings confidence and well-being. Good fortune.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Hexagram 48: The Source changes to Hexagram 43: Resolution.

Changing lines: 1 and 4

Hexagram 48:
Water over Wind forms the condition for The Source. The Source is the inexhaustible pool of collective nourishment and truth available to each of us. With a peaceful and reflective approach, go deep inside to gain clarity about the matter at hand. The deeper you go, the more meaningful your insight may be. Practice acceptance over judgment.

Changing line 1: Avoid total reliance on self. Exchange with others. Communicate with them and learn from them.

Changing line 4:This is a time to re-evaluate your life and goals, for future contributions.

Hexagram 43: Lake over Heaven forms the condition for Resolution. Threatening forces are in a position to be eradicated. This must be done in the open and without violence. Deny your adversaries power by moving in the direction of what is good for common welfare. Raise issues frankly and honestly, without judgment. Bonds are strengthened as resolution springs from your heart.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Hexagram 25: Heaven over Thunder forms the condition for Innocence. Be prepared for a surprising, refreshing, turn of events. Align with the flow of the cosmos before taking action. The path to your goal is indirect. Rely on principles and virtues, not clever strategies. For optimal results, act innocently without conscious purpose and without ulterior motive. The unexpected helps stimulate new solutions. Act without thought of compensation or gain in stature.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Hexagram 46: Advancement.

There are no changing lines.

Hexagram 46:
Earth over Wind forms the condition for Advancement. Modest, steady actions toward a goal brings advancement. Continuous effort is required, so do not pause. This is an excellent time for breakthroughs in communication and relationships. Work on the self is focused on the will and meets success. Know what must be done and carry it out with unwavering effort.

Monday, April 1, 2024

Hexagram 2 : Natural Response changes to Hexagram 49: Changing.

Changing lines: 1, 3, 4. and 5.

Hexagram 2:
Earth over Earth forms the condition for Natural Response.You are dealing with realities vs. potentials. Accept help from friends and associates and allow yourself to be led to the best possible position. Broaden your attitudes and opinions and view the world with an open mind. Others help you accomplish aims, it is not the time to act independently. Natural Response brings exceptional progress.

Changing line 1: Make preparations for the coming change.

Changing line 3: Do the best job possible, anonymously. Recognition will come later.

Changing line 4: Develop an inner reserve and maintain a low profile.

Changing line 5: Be modest and discrete in all you do.

Hexagram 49: Lake over Fire forms the condition for Changing. A gradual transformation may be in order to avoid stagnation. Approach change with a correct attitude. Avoid haste and excessive behavior. Timing is very important. Allow time for the process to unfold as you gain the trust of others and regret disappears.

Sunday, March 24, 2023

Hexagram 1: Creative Power changes to Hexagram 37: Family

Changing lines: 2 and 4.

Hexagram 1:
Heaven over Heaven forms the condition for Creative Power. This is a time of accelerated growth. Take the initiative and direct your energy wisely. You have the opportunity to manifest personal desires and achieve happiness.

Changing line 2: It is in your interest to align yourself with someone in your area of interest.

Changing line 4: Follow your intuition, whether it is to go inward, serve society or be in the public view.

Hexagram 37: Wind over Fire forms the condition for Family.

Inner radiance is carried by the outer wind. This is a time to approach relationships as Family. Healthy families embody three qualities: love, faithfulness, and proper conduct. In order to improve your family, company, nation, or world, begin with yourself. Actions speak louder than words. Concentrate on your character. This is a time of good fortune.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Hexagram 63 After the End changes to Hexagram 53: Developing.

Changing lines: 1 and 6.

Hexagram 63
Water over Fire forms the condition for After the End. You have reached equilibrium and the end of a phase. Rather than relax, this is the time to contemplate and prepare for what is next. Changing circumstances and relationships provide the opportunity to strengthen your position and character. Take care of details along the way to help you successfully move toward what is next. Misfortune can be avoided through proper planning and foresight.

Changing line 1: You have set changes in motion and you may feel pressured to reconsider. Stay on course. You are correct.

Changing line 6: Take inspired action to continue your shifts and to meet your commitments and responsibilities.

Hexagram 53: Wind over Mountain forms the condition for Developing. This is a time natural unfolding of events. Allow the situation to develop gradually. Success comes as you maintain a clear vision of your plans while adapting to established traditions.

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Hexagram 32: Continuing changes to Hexagram 39: Obstacles.

Changing lines: 2 and 5.

Hexagram 32:
Thunder over Wind forms the condition for Continuing. Work within established systems to bring about order, unity, and security to you and your community. Introduce new thought while adhering to the foundations that support sound growth and a well-ordered life.

Changing line 2: Take consistent and gentle action to quietly influence and direct the situation. Avoid extremes.

Changing line 5: Apply appropriate effort for what you desire. Use earthly methods for Earthly things and spiritual for Spiritual.

Hexagram 39: Water over Mountain forms the condition for Obstacles. When water meets an obstacle, it stops flowing. A pause in motion allows the water a chance to gather strength, build up, and eventually flow over the obstacle. This hexagram is about obstructions that are most likely in your own thinking or of your own doing. A saying that best fits this hexagram is "You are caught between a rock and a hard place." Retreat, reflect, and self-correct to remove the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual obstacles in your path. Any strong negative emotions (such as fear, frustration, anger, blame, shame) are an indication that your energy is out of balance. A trusted friend or counselor may help you to identify the best way forward.

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Hexagram 24: Repeating changes to Hexagram 16: Harmonize

Changing lines: 1 and 4.

Hexagram 24:
Earth over Thunder forms the condition for Repeating. Thunder is active in the womb of the Earth. You are repeating a cycle in your life after a period of stagnation or frustration. The paths leading to growth are revealing themselves. Allow the improving situation to develop at its own pace. This is a time when like-minded people can work together toward a common goal. It is an ideal opportunity for self-knowledge. Set a goal. Repeating brings progress.

Changing line 1: Self disciple will help you to further develop your character and to move in the right direction.

Changing line 4: As you move forward to a better situation, your current friends may not follow..

Hexagram 16: Thunder over Earth forms the condition for Harmonize. Listen to your inner voice. You are in a position to harmonize socially and communicate your ideas and interests. Do so by aligning your values with those of society and gain the cooperation of others. Anticipate what is needed. Select enthusiastic supporters. The path of truth is always the path of least resistance.

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Hexagram 32: Continuing.

There are no changing lines.

Hexagram 32:
Thunder over Wind forms the condition for Continuing. Work within established systems to bring about order, unity, and security to you and your community. Introduce new thought while adhering to the foundations that support sound growth and a well-ordered life.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Hexagram 63: After the End changes to Hexagram 39: Obstacles.

Changing line: 1.

Hexagram 63:
Water over Fire forms the condition for After the End. You have reached equilibrium and the end of a phase. Rather than relax, this is the time to contemplate and prepare for what is next. Changing circumstances and relationships provide the opportunity to strengthen your position and character. Take care of details along the way to help you successfully move toward what is next. Misfortune can be avoided through proper planning and foresight.

Changing line 1: You have set changes in motion and you may feel pressured to reconsider. Stay on course. You are correct.

Hexagram 39: Water over Mountain forms the condition for Obstacles. When water meets an obstacle, it stops flowing. A pause in motion allows the water a chance to gather strength, build up, and eventually flow over the obstacle. This hexagram is about obstructions that are most likely in your own thinking or of your own doing. A saying that best fits this hexagram is "You are caught between a rock and a hard place." Retreat, reflect, and self-correct to remove the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual obstacles in your path. Any strong negative emotions (such as fear, frustration, anger, blame, shame) are an indication that your energy is out of balance. A trusted friend or counselor may help you to identify the best way forward.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Hexagram 19: Promotion changes to Hexagram 7: Collective Force.

Changing line: 1.

Hexagram 19:
Earth over Lake forms the condition for Promotion. This hexagram correlates with the end of winter and the beginning of spring. This is a favorable time to progress toward your goal. Use this period to your best advantage, as it will not last forever. All of life is cyclical. This is a dynamic phase of inner growth. All activities and relationships have the potential to blossom now. Good fortune lies ahead..

Changing line 1: Be certain that your goals are worthy. Begin your endeavors with like-minded others.

Hexagram 7: Earth over Water forms the condition for Collective Force. You can tap into the energy of mass support if you communicate effectively and your goals are in line with the sentiments of society. Be supportive and generous with others. This is a favorable time to broaden ideals to encompass larger goals while leading people through education, generosity, and leniency.

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Hexagram 12: Stagnation changes to Hexagram 64: Before the End.

Changing lines: 2 and 5.

Hexagram 12:
Heaven over Earth forms the condition for Stagnation. Growth has stopped and things are at an impasse temporarily. Do not try to influence others. This is a time to hold onto your values, principles, and inner confidence. Remove yourself from any situation that causes conflict. This time will pass.

Changing line 2: Quietly stick to your principles. Accept current stagnation; remain temporarily apart.Ultimate success.

Changing line 5: A change for the better is coming, built upon a strong foundation. A cautious and reserved approach is OK.

Hexagram 64: Fire over Water forms the condition for Before the End. This hexagram is a reminder that the outer world will come into order only after the inner world has done so. It is also a reminder that "thoughts create things." This is a time to quiet your ego and focus on creating a solid inner foundation and inner balance for yourself. Allow good judgment and discernment to prevail as you proceed with caution. A rebirth, of sorts, is in order. Before The End brings progress.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Hexagram 28: Critical Mass changes to Hexagram 32: Continuing.

Changing line: 5.

Hexagram 7:
Lake over Wind forms the condition for Critical Mass. The time is right to act independently without fear. Important, serious and meaningful possibilities are coming to a head now. This could feel like a time of crisis. It is a good time to take a stand. Make decisions about your next move.

Changing line 5: Acknowledge the realities of your environment. Ground your energy and stabilize yourself as you move ahead..

Hexagram 32: Thunder over Wind forms the condition for Continuing. Work within established systems to bring about order, unity, and security to you and your community. Introduce new thought while adhering to the foundations that support sound growth and a well-ordered life.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Hexagram 2: Natural Response changes to Hexagram 30: Synergy.

Changing lines:1, 2, 4, and 6.

Hexagram 2:
Earth over Earth forms the condition for Natural Response. ou are dealing with realities vs. potentials. Accept help from friends and associates and allow yourself to be led to the best possible position. Broaden your attitudes and opinions and view the world with an open mind. Others help you accomplish aims, it is not the time to act independently. Natural Response brings exceptional progress.

Changing line 1: Make preparations for the coming change..

Changing line 2: Success will come easily when you embrace the truth.

Changing line 4: Hold onto your vision as you quietly work to reach your goals.

Changing line 6: Hold onto your vision as you quietly work to reach your goals.

Hexagram 30: Fire over Lake forms the condition for Synergy. Qualities of Fire include illumination and intelligence. This hexagram of fire over fire (double fire) represents an opportunity for leaders to inspire and enlighten others. Create synergy within yourself.In personal relationships, aligning your desires can bring good fortune. Alleviate pressures quietly.

January 7, 2024

Hexagram 11: Prospering changes to Hexagram 5: Calculated Waiting.

Changing line: 5.

Hexagram 11:
Earth over Heaven forms the condition for Calculated Waiting. Cosmic forces are favorable to benefit from the harmony between Heaven and Earth. Ideal condition for new awakenings. There will be good fortune and progress. Maintaining peace of mind, with or without hard work, supports success and prosperity.

Changing line 5: Be impartial as you properly handle your affairs. You have support..

Hexagram 5: Water over Heaven forms the condition for Calculated Waiting. This can be a challenging time since the elements involved are not under your control. The situation is out of any one person's hands. Stay focused in the present and use this time to align internal and external energy. Keep thoughts and words positive. Wait until circumstances are in your favor to act. Ultimately you will meet success.

December 31, 2023

Hexagram 12: Stagnation changes to Hexagram 20: Contemplating.

Changing line: 3.

Hexagram 12:
Heaven over Earth forms the condition for Stagnation. Growth has stopped and things are at an impasse temporarily. Do not try to influence others. This is a time to hold onto your values, principles, and inner confidence. Remove yourself from any situation that causes conflict. This time will pass.

Changing line 3: Avoid using questionable methods and motives or shame could result.

Hexagram 20: Wind over Earth forms the condition for Contemplating. Approach all situations with seasonality in mind: the Spring of new ideas, the summer of work and growth, the autumn of harvest and completion and the winter of rest. Reflect on the season of situation and you can approach it with a predictable plan. Honest contemplation will help you to explore new ideas, reflect, and modify any practices that need adjustment.

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Hexagram 52: Meditation changes to Hexagram 23: Deterioration.

Changing line: 3.

Hexagram 52:
Mountain over Mountain forms the condition for Meditation. The Mountain is about stillness. As you calm your mind and quiet your ego, you transcend inner turmoil. It is a wonderful way to ground and center your energy, renewing body, mind and spirit. True objectivity will help you to know when and when not to act. Cultivating inner peace will help you to act in harmony with the times, avoiding impulsiveness. Stop your thoughts and experience being fully present.

Changing line 3: Develop internal composure through meditation to move beyond deep inner conflict and resentment..

Hexagram 23: Mountain over Earth forms the condition for Deterioration. It is part of the natural order of ebb and flow. Contemplate this time with great care, particularly in financial and business matters. Build a secure foundation by consolidating relationships. Keep a low profile. Nurture your body and mind. Look for wisdom within. The time to move toward your goal will come again.

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Hexagram 37: Family.

There are no changing lines.

Hexagram 37:
Wind over Fire forms the condition for Family. Inner radiance is carried by the outer wind. This is a time to approach relationships as Family. Healthy families embody three qualities: love, faithfulness, and proper conduct. In order to improve your family, company, nation, or world, begin with yourself. Actions speak louder than words. Concentrate on your character. This is a time of good fortune.

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Hexagram 37: Family changes to Hexagram 9: Restrained.

Changing line: 2.

Hexagram 37:
Wind over Fire forms the condition for Family. Inner radiance is carried by the outer wind. This is a time to approach relationships as Family. Healthy families embody three qualities: love, faithfulness, and proper conduct. In order to improve your family, company, nation, or world, begin with yourself. Actions speak louder than words. Concentrate on your character. This is a time of good fortune.

Changing line 2: Focus on meeting the immediate needs of the group without force.

Hexagram 9: Restrained

Hexagram 9:
Wind over Heaven forms the condition for Restrained. Your impulses, intentions and plans may be held in check by an unknown detail. Stay close to the situation you wish to affect. Attend to details and avoid aggressive action. Restrain yourself until your plan can be accommodated.

December 3, 2023

Hexagram 35: Progress changes to Hexagram 2: Natural Response

Changing lines: 4 and 6.

Hexagram 35:
Fire over Earth forms the condition for Progress. Fire is radiant energy. The sun rising above the earth is a time of rapid progress. This is a favorable time to make personal and professional progress, as long as your aims are sincere and benefit the greater good. Good ideas are best put to use serving others. Progressive action meets great success.

Changing line 4: Progress cannot be attained through questionable means or people. Retreat. The truth will come to light..

Changing line 6: If you learn by being harder on yourself, fine. Avoid being harsh with others as you risk alienating them.

Hexagram 2: Earth over Earth forms the condition for Natural Response. You are dealing with realities vs. potentials. Accept help from friends and associates and allow yourself to be led to the best possible position. Broaden your attitudes and opinions and view the world with an open mind. Others help you accomplish aims, it is not the time to act independently. Natural Response brings exceptional progress.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Hexagram 64: Before the End changes to Hexagram 4: Inexperience.

Changing line: 4.

Hexagram 64:
Fire over Water forms the condition for Before the End. This hexagram is a reminder that the outer world will come into order only after the inner world has done so. It is also a reminder that "thoughts create things." This is a time to quiet your ego and focus on creating a solid inner foundation and inner balance for yourself. Allow good judgment and discernment to prevail as you proceed with caution. A rebirth, of sorts, is in order. Before The End brings progress.

Changing line 4: You can achieve your goal by overcoming difficulties with determination and discipline. Good fortune will result.

Hexagram 4: Mountain over Water forms the condition for Inexperience. Know that you do not know what to do. Examine blind spots, ask for help, and discover what you must learn. Consider the advice of your Advisor. There is something new to discover as you continue to cultivate your character. "Empty vessels" have room to collect, gather and store what is needed or what would be helpful.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Hexagram 53: Developing changes to Hexagram 27: Nourishing

Changing lines: 1, 3, and 5.

Hexagram 53:
Wind over Mountain forms the condition for Developing. This is a time natural unfolding of events. Allow the situation to develop gradually. Success comes as you maintain a clear vision of your plans while adapting to established traditions.

Changing line 1: You can use criticism to your advantage by refining your skills. This is a time to establish strong foundations.

Changing line 3: Allow things to develop naturally rather than take a forceful stance or provoke conflict.

Changing line 5: If you are misjudged as you gain more influence, communications will clear up and good fortune will follow.

Hexagram 27: Mountain over Thunder forms the condition for Nourishing. The correct nourishment of yourself and others is the current focus. Pay attention to what is being nourished and make certain it is above reproach. An enlightened person cautiously expresses herself and carefully regulates what she absorbs. Note the quality of what you give to others; support and nourishment will return to you in kind. Cultivate constructive opinions and attitudes to properly nourish your character. Express moderation.

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Hexagram 33: Retreat.

There are no changing lines.

Hexagram 33
Heaven over Mountain forms the condition for Retreat. Withdraw from struggle and opposing forces at this time. This is a time to go within, reflect, and develop inner wisdom, strength, and reserve. When the proper time to advance comes, you will be ready.

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Hexagram 1: Creative Power changes to Hexagram 6: Conflict

Changing lines: 1 and 3.

Hexagram 1:
Heaven over Heaven forms the condition for Creative Power. This is a time of accelerated growth. Take the initiative and direct your energy wisely. You have the opportunity to manifest personal desires and achieve happiness.

Changing line 1: Wait for the opportune time to take action to achieve your aim.

Changing line 3: Stay focused on your vision and integrity to avoid distractions.

Hexagram 6: Heaven over Water forms the condition for Conflict. It is a time of spiritual maturing. The path you have chosen leads to a state of (inner or outer) conflict, obstacles, and opposition. Stop and reconsider your original premise. Consider all facets of the situation and weigh the merits of all options. Look at the situation from another's perspective. Stay away from open confrontation. Do not force the issue: misunderstandings cannot be overcome with force. Hold back on major changes until the time is right.

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Hexagram 36: Censorship changes to Hexagram 55: Zenith.

Changing line: 4.

Hexagram 36:
You are confronted by forces that challenge your convictions and goals. This is an ideal time to step into the background, listen, observe, and conceal your feelings, while maintaining your principles. You can transcend this challenging time. Avoid challenging the opinion of others. Letting things pass, even if you do not agree, is a good way to stay clear of trouble.

Changing line 4: You can now view the current situation with clarity. Pull out if it seems doomed. If not, work it through.

Hexagram 55: Thunder over Fire forms the condition for Zenith. You are at the peak. You fulfill your potential, achieve your goals or exhaust the possibilities. Move quickly. The Zenith is a brief period. Make the most of the matters at hand. Success and prosperity are imminent. Once on top, decline begins. It is a part of the natural cycle. Expect such change. All that you are creating will sustain you through the decline. Your successes will serve as the foundation for later growth. This is an ideal time for self discovery.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Hexagram 61: Insight changes to Hexagram 43: Restrained.

Changing lines: 3, 4, and 6.

Hexagram 61:
Wind over Lake forms the condition for Insight. This is a time for achievement through the power of insight. Be open and free of prejudice. Move beyond mind into pure observation and acceptance. Negotiate in disputes and moderate rigid ideas. Rely upon your inner strength and character.

Changing line 3: Balance comes from within and is cultivated over time. Don't allow external relationships to drive your moods.

Changing line 4: Gain deeper insight into the matter from a superior person or ideal. You may move ahead while leaving others behind. This is not a mistake.

Changing line 6: Avoid asking for help with ambitious goals. You are not well positioned currently..

Hexagram 43: Lake over Heaven forms the condition for Resolution. Threatening forces are in a position to be eradicated. This must be done in the open and without violence. Deny your adversaries power by moving in the direction of what is good for common welfare. Raise issues frankly and honestly, without judgment. Bonds are strengthened as resolution springs from your heart.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Hexagram 16: Harmonize.

There are no changing lines.

Hexagram 16:
Thunder over Earth forms the condition for Harmonize. isten to your inner voice. You are in a position to harmonize socially and communicate your ideas and interests. Do so by aligning your values with those of society and gain the cooperation of others. Anticipate what is needed. Select enthusiastic supporters. The path of truth is always the path of least resistance.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Hexagram 48: The Source.

There are no changing lines.

Hexagram 48:
Water over Wind forms the condition for The Source. The Source is the inexhaustible pool of collective nourishment and truth available to each of us. With a peaceful and reflective approach, go deep inside to gain clarity about the matter at hand. The deeper you go, the more meaningful your insight may be. Practice acceptance over judgment.

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Hexagram 30: Synergy changes to Hexagram 56: Traveling

Changing line: 1.

Hexagram 30:
Fire over Fire forms the condition for Synergy. Qualities of Fire include illumination and intelligence. This hexagram of fire over fire (double fire) represents an opportunity for leaders to inspire and enlighten others. Create synergy within yourself.In personal relationships, aligning your desires can bring good fortune. Alleviate pressures quietly.

Changing line 1: Keep your goal in mind continually to minimize confusion and error as you begin your new path.

Hexagram 56: Fire over Mountain forms the condition for Traveling. You are moving through the situation at hand. You will move on. Clearly define your goals. Be honest and obliging. Avoid long term commitments in personal and social relationships. Maintain your integrity.

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Hexagram 34: Great Power changes to Hexagram 28: Critical Mass.

Changing lines: 1 and 5.

Hexagram 34:
Thunder over Heaven forms the condition for Great Power. Your influence is tremendous at this time. Being certain that your objectives are honorable, this is a favorable time to strengthen relationships and do good work from within established conventions.

Changing line 1: It is a mistake to proceed with your plan at this time. Wait.

Changing line 5: Stay on track. Good fortune will follow.

Hexagram 28: Lake over Wind forms the condition for Critical Mass. The time is right to act independently without fear. Important, serious and meaningful possibilities are coming to a head now. This could feel like a time of crisis. It is a good time to take a stand. Make decisions about your next move.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Hexagram 10: Conduct.

There are no changing lines.

Hexagram 10:
Everything depends on how you conduct yourself now. This can be a very positive time and it can also be one filled with challenges. Success will come through dignity, composure, courtesy, and thoughtfulness. It may be necessary to be discriminating with your choice of acquaintances. It can also be a time to cultivate your inner growth and further develop your self worth.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Hexagram 4: Inexperience changes to Hexagram 57: Penetrating Influence.

Changing lines: 3 and 5.

Hexagram 4:
Mountain over Water forms the condition for Inexperience. Know that you do not know what to do. Examine blind spots, ask for help, and discover what you must learn. Consider the advice of your Advisor. There is something new to discover as you continue to cultivate your character. "Empty vessels" have room to collect, gather and store what is needed or what would be helpful.

Changing line 3: Doors will open as you seek advice from an Advisor.

Changing line 5: Be an empty vessel as you seek advice from others. Listen. Good fortune.

Hexagram 57: Wind over Wind forms the condition for Penetrating Influence. Imagine a steady and gentle wind. The power of the mind through concentration is enhanced. A vision of what you want to accomplish, along with patience, and a long-term commitment brings success. Gradual, inconspicuous effort in a consistent direction brings progress. A gentle approach is key.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Hexagram 17: Adapting changes to Hexagram 16: Harmonize

Changing lines: 1 and 5.

Hexagram 17:
Lake over Thunder forms the condition for Adapting. Be flexible in your relationships and situations with others at this time. Release prejudices and opinions that may be holding you back. Adapting to goals that are harmonious with the times brings peace of mind and success.

Changing line 1: A change is occurring. Communicate with those close to you while holding onto your principles. Be discerning.

Changing line 5: Set your sights and insist on the very best. You can attain it.

Hexagram 16: Thunder over Earth forms the condition for Harmonize. Listen to your inner voice. You are in a position to harmonize socially and communicate your ideas and interests. Do so by aligning your values with those of society and gain the cooperation of others. Anticipate what is needed. Select enthusiastic supporters. The path of truth is always the path of least resistance.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Hexagram 18: Repair changes to Hexagram 26: Potential Energy.

Changing line: 1.

Hexagram 18:
Mountain over Wind forms the condition for Repair. The object of your inquiry would benefit from an adjustment. The time is excellent for making amends or changes. You have the ability to change or repair your circumstances. Consider the path that led to this situation and do not be lulled into inertia by the magnitude of the task. The situation will develop new energy and inspiration once the problems are removed. Avoid slipping back into complacency.

Changing line 1: It is time to change a rigid structure that is limiting your life. Cautious reform will meet with success.

Hexagram 26: Mountain over Heaven forms the condition for Potential Energy. Knowledge is accumulating. Keep still and hold onto what is correct in the face of pressure. Continue to develop your character and cultivate beneficial relationships. Keep still under pressure. Treat others with gentleness, patience and forgiveness.

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Hexagram 60: Limitations

There are no changing lines.

Hexagram 60:
Water over Lake forms the condition for Limitations. This is a time to set practical limits related to money, time, energy, emotions, and behavior, to bring future opportunity. Life without guidelines can be confusing and unsettling. Practical rules and regulations limit extravagant practices, help conserve resources, and bring balance. For steady progress and true meaning, define and observe reasonable limits in all you do.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Hexagram 56: Traveling changes to Hexagram 30: Synergy.

Changing line: 1.

Hexagram 56:
Fire over Mountain forms the condition for Traveling. You are moving through the situation at hand. You will move on. Clearly define your goals. Be honest and obliging. Avoid long term commitments in personal and social relationships. Maintain your integrity.

Changing line 1: Always take the high road. Maintain your integrity and dignity through time of change.

Hexagram 30: Fire over Fire forms the condition for Synergy. Qualities of Fire include illumination and intelligence. This hexagram of fire over fire (double fire) represents an opportunity for leaders to inspire and enlighten others. Create synergy within yourself.In personal relationships, aligning your desires can bring good fortune. Alleviate pressures quietly.

Sunday, August 5, 2023

Hexagram 47: Adversity. There are no changing lines.

Hexagram 47: Lake over Water forms the condition for Adversity. This is a time to make progress through action and not words. When faced with adversity, remain emotionally stable and optimistic. Hold your fears in check. Adversity can be transcended through proper conduct, will, and determination. Hold onto your vision.

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Hexagram 21: Reform. There are no changing lines.

Hexagram 21:
Fire over Thunder forms the condition for Reform. An obstacle needs to be eliminated in order to achieve your aims. This block could be self-generated. Look to the truth within to resolve it. Examine your character and follow your principles, values, and truth.

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Hexagram 46: Advancement changes to Hexagram 34: Great Power

Changing lines: 1 and 4.

Hexagram 46:
Earth over Wind forms the condition for Advancement. Modest, steady actions toward a goal brings advancement. Continuous effort is required, so do not pause. This is an excellent time for breakthroughs in communication and relationships. Work on the self is focused on the will and meets success. Know what must be done and carry it out with unwavering effort.details and avoid aggressive action. Restrain yourself until your plan can be accommodated.

Changing line 1: Advancement due to focused and industrious effort is favored at this time. Be confident. Good fortune.

Changing line 4: Good fortune for your continual progress. Hold to your principles and sound practices.

Hexagram 34: Thunder over Heaven forms the condition for Great Power. Your influence is tremendous at this time. Being certain that your objectives are honorable, this is a favorable time to strengthen relationships and do good work from within established conventions.

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Hexagram 62: Conscientiousness changes to Hexagram 56: Traveling.

Changing line: 6.

Hexagram 62:
Thunder over Mountain forms the condition for Conscientiousness. This is a time for inner development and humility. Pay attention to detail and practice self control. Watch finances carefully and be conservative with expenditures. You will find good fortune by staying "below the radar" and quietly performing your life's work with dignity and diligence. Winter is an excellent time for deep, inner development.

Changing line 6: Adjust your ambitions for ultimate success.

Hexagram 56: Fire over Mountain forms the condition for Traveling. You are moving through the situation at hand. You will move on. Clearly define your goals. Be honest and obliging. Avoid long term commitments in personal and social relationships. Maintain your integrity.

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Hexagram 51: Shocking changes to Hexagram 31: Attraction

Changing lines: 1, 3 and 5.

Hexagram 51: Thunder over Thunder forms the condition for Shocking. The sudden force of double thunder represents very powerful and intense energy. Similar to spring, the time is right for new growth to burst forth. This energy can be unpredictable, bringing you close to the inner workings of your nature. Although fear may inspire you to make initial changes, the sudden force of stored energy ultimately yields progress. Use this time to inspire yourself to make personal changes that will increase your vitality and success.

Changing line 1: Shock can end up teaching a lesson for which you are grateful.

Changing line 3: Choose a positive way or path to move through shock, particularly that resulting from fate.

Changing line 5: Change with the times for ultimate success, while remaining balanced and centered, internally and externally.

Hexagram 31: Attraction. The Universe is held together by a complex network of various forms of attraction, which create all things. Your position of power influences the current circumstances. Allow your goal to influence and change you. The attraction is reciprocal.


Sunday, July 2, 2023

Hexagram 18: Repair changes to Hexagram 11: Potential Energy

Changing line: 1.

Hexagram 18:
Mountain over Wind forms the condition for Repair. The object of your inquiry would benefit from an adjustment. The time is excellent for making amends or changes. You have the ability to change or repair your circumstances. Consider the path that led to this situation and do not be lulled into inertia by the magnitude of the task. The situation will develop new energy and inspiration once the problems are removed. Avoid slipping back into complacency.

Changing line 1: It is time to change a rigid structure that is limiting your life. Cautious reform will meet with success.

Hexagram 26: Mountain over Heaven forms the condition for Potential Energy. Knowledge is accumulating. Keep still and hold onto what is correct in the face of pressure. Continue to develop your character and cultivate beneficial relationships. Keep still under pressure. Treat others with gentleness, patience and forgiveness.

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Hexagram 27: Nourishing changes to Hexagram 42: Benefit

Changing line: 5.

Hexagram 27:
Mountain over Thunder forms the condition for Nourishing. The correct nourishment of yourself and others is the current focus. Pay attention to what is being nourished and make certain it is above reproach. An enlightened person cautiously expresses herself and carefully regulates what she absorbs. Note the quality of what you give to others; support and nourishment will return to you in kind. Cultivate constructive opinions and attitudes to properly nourish your character. Express moderation.

Changing line 5: Join with a strong and influential mentor or guide to nourish others, to preserve your strength.

Hexagram 42: Wind over Thunder forms the condition for Benefit. This is a very favorable time for energies directed toward worthwhile endeavors and those of service to others. Generous actions can enhance all relationships.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Hexagram 49: Changing changes to Hexagram 34: Great Power.

Changing lines: 2 and 5.

Hexagram 49:
Lake over Fire forms the condition for Changing. A gradual transformation may be in order to avoid stagnation. Approach change with a correct attitude. Avoid haste and excessive behavior. Timing is very important. Allow time for the process to unfold as you gain the trust of others and regret disappears..

Changing line 2: Make the necessary changes with a correct attitude and a clear vision of the outcome.

Changing line 5: Trust your intuition when bringing about change.

Hexagram 34: Thunder over Heaven forms the condition for Great Power. Your influence is tremendous at this time. Being certain that your objectives are honorable, this is a favorable time to strengthen relationships and do good work from within established conventions.

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Hexagram 9: Restrained changes to Hexagram 6: Conflict.

Changing lines: 1, 3, and 4.

Hexagram 9:
Wind over Heaven forms the condition for Restrained. Your impulses, intentions and plans may be held in check by an unknown detail. Stay close to the situation you wish to affect. Attend to details and avoid aggressive action. Restrain yourself until your plan can be accommodated.

Changing line 1: Avoid forcing your way. Hold back at this time.

Changing line 3: Minor opposition. Letting go brings inner freedom.

Changing line 4: Also be realistic. Revise your plans to achieve your goals.

Hexagram 6: Heaven over Water forms the condition for Conflict. It is a time of spiritual maturing. The path you have chosen leads to a state of (inner or outer) conflict, obstacles, and opposition. Stop and reconsider your original premise. Consider all facets of the situation and weigh the merits of all options. Look at the situation from another's perspective. Stay away from open confrontation. Do not force the issue: misunderstandings cannot be overcome with force. Hold back on major changes until the time is right.

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Hexagram 27: Nourishing changes to Hexagram 42: Benefit.

Changing line: 5.

Hexagram 27:
Mountain over Thunder forms the condition for Nourishing. The correct nourishment of yourself and others is the current focus. Pay attention to what is being nourished and make certain it is above reproach. An enlightened person cautiously expresses herself and carefully regulates what she absorbs. Note the quality of what you give to others; support and nourishment will return to you in kind. Cultivate constructive opinions and attitudes to properly nourish your character. Express moderation.

Changing line 5: Join with a strong and influential mentor or guide to nourish others, to preserve your strength.

Hexagram 42: Wind over Thunder forms the condition for Benefit. This is a very favorable time for energies directed toward worthwhile endeavors and those of service to others. Generous actions can enhance all relationships.

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Hexagram 39: Obstacles changes to Hexagram 8: Unity

Changing line: 3.

Hexagram 39:
Water over Mountain forms the condition for Obstacles. When water meets an obstacle, it stops flowing. A pause in motion allows the water a chance to gather strength, build up, and eventually flow over the obstacle. This hexagram is about obstructions that are most likely in your own thinking or of your own doing. A saying that best fits this hexagram is "You are caught between a rock and a hard place." Retreat, reflect, and self-correct to remove the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual obstacles in your path. Any strong negative emotions (such as fear, frustration, anger, blame, shame) are an indication that your energy is out of balance. A trusted friend or counselor may help you to identify the best way forward..

Changing line 3: If you find yourself struggling with an outside obstacle, return to your center and refocus your plan.

Hexagram 8: Water over Earth forms the condition for Unity. Unity brings good fortune. Take advantage of the opportunities that arise. If you are uncertain, return to your plan. Procrastination brings misfortune. The time is right to lead, be heard and influence others.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Hexagram 35: Progress changes to Hexagram 14: Sovereignty.

Changing lines: 1, 2, and 3.

Hexagram 35:
Fire over Earth forms the condition for Progress. Fire is radiant energy. The sun rising above the earth is a time of rapid progress. This is a favorable time to make personal and professional progress, as long as your aims are sincere and benefit the greater good. Good ideas are best put to use serving others. Progressive action meets great success.

Changing line 1: Overcome others' lack of confidence in you through your warmth and generosity.

Changing line 2: Continue your efforts and maintain your virtues. An unexpected breakthrough may occur with authorities.

Changing line 3: Your progress is dependent upon the involvement of others. Maintain a common trust

Hexagram 14: Fire over Heaven forms the condition for Sovereignty. This is a time of increased personal power and clarity for you. Proper behavior will bring you success. Keep your ego in check and express compassion towards others in your relationships. You are in the spotlight. Focus on qualities in yourself that enhance goodness and well-being.

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Hexagram 57: Penetrating Influence changes to Hexagram 59: Reuniting

Changing line: 3.

Hexagram 57:
Wind over Wind forms the condition for Penetrating Influence. Imagine a steady and gentle wind. The power of the mind through concentration is enhanced. A vision of what you want to accomplish, along with patience, and a long-term commitment brings success. Gradual, inconspicuous effort in a consistent direction brings progress. A gentle approach is key.

Changing line 3: Refrain from too much deliberation about the issue at hand to maintain your initiative.

Hexagram 59: Wind over Water forms the condition for Reuniting. It is a time to experience the collective flow. Reunite with family, including "work" families. If in business, help people to reunite with their reality by offering functional products and services that appeal to the widest possible audience. There is an advantage to correct persistence.

Sunday, May 8, 2023

Hexagram 37: Family.

There are no changing lines.

Hexagram 37:
Wind over Fire forms the condition for Family. IInner radiance is carried by the outer wind. This is a time to approach relationships as Family. Healthy families embody three qualities: love, faithfulness, and proper conduct. In order to improve your family, company, nation, or world, begin with yourself. Actions speak louder than words. Concentrate on your character. This is a time of good fortune.

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Hexagram 64: Before the End changes to Hexagram 40: Liberation.

Changing line: 6.

Hexagram 64:
Fire over Water forms the condition for Before the End. This hexagram is a reminder that the outer world will come into order only after the inner world has done so. It is also a reminder that "thoughts create things." This is a time to quiet your ego and focus on creating a solid inner foundation and inner balance for yourself. Allow good judgment and discernment to prevail as you proceed with caution. A rebirth, of sorts, is in order. Before The End brings progress.

Changing line 6: Celebrate your shifts and anticipated well-being without indulging in excess. Maintain your vision.

Hexagram 40: Thunder over Water forms the condition for Liberation. It is within your power to resolve issues, release stuck emotions, and stalled patterns which have blocked your progress. Forgive past mistakes and transgressions. Clear the ground for new growth, taking firm action now. The future is promising.

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Hexagram 51: Shocking changes to Hexagram 23: Deterioration.

Changing lines: 1, 4, and 6.

Hexagram 7:
Thunder over Thunder forms the condition for Shocking. The sudden force of double thunder represents very powerful and intense energy. Similar to spring, the time is right for new growth to burst forth. This energy can be unpredictable, bringing you close to the inner workings of your nature. Although fear may inspire you to make initial changes, the sudden force of stored energy ultimately yields progress. Use this time to inspire yourself to make personal changes that will increase your vitality and success.encompass larger goals while leading people through education, generosity, and leniency.

Changing line 1: Shock can end up teaching a lesson for which you are grateful.

Changing line 4: Release resistance. Acceptance helps you learn what you need to learn.

Changing line 6: Retreat is the best course at this time, although others may criticize you for doing so.

Hexagram 23: Mountain over Earth forms the condition for Deterioration. It is part of the natural order of ebb and flow. Contemplate this time with great care, particularly in financial and business matters. Build a secure foundation by consolidating relationships. Keep a low profile. Nurture your body and mind. Look for wisdom within. The time to move toward your goal will come again.

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Hexagram 1: Creative Power changes to Hexagram 12: Stagnation.

Changing lines: 4, 5, and 6.

Hexagram 1:
This is a time of accelerated growth. Take the initiative and direct your energy wisely. You have the opportunity to manifest personal desires and achieve happiness.

Changing line 4: Follow your intuition, whether it is to go inward, serve society or be in the public view.

Changing line 5: Others look to you for guidance and inspiration as a result of your clear thinking.

Changing line 6: Adjust your ambitions so that you may achieve your dream.

Hexagram 12: Earth over Heaven forms the condition for Stagnation. Growth has stopped and things are at an impasse temporarily. Do not try to influence others. This is a time to hold onto your values, principles, and inner confidence. Remove yourself from any situation that causes conflict. This time will pass.

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Hexagram 12: Stagnation changes to Hexagram 431: Attraction.

Changing lines: 3 and 6.

Hexagram 12:
Heaven over Earth forms the condition for Stagnation. Growth has stopped and things are at an impasse temporarily. Do not try to influence others. This is a time to hold onto your values, principles, and inner confidence. Remove yourself from any situation that causes conflict. This time will pass.

Changing line 3: Avoid using questionable methods and motives or shame could result.

Changing line 6: Maintain a strong sense of purpose to achieve the best results.

Hexagram 31: Lake over Mountain forms the condition for Attraction. The Universe is held together by a complex network of various forms of attraction, which create all things. Your position of power influences the current circumstances. Allow your goal to influence and change you. The attraction is reciprocal.

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Hexagram 54: Subordinate changes to Hexagram 40: Liberation.

Changing line: 1.

Hexagram 54:
Thunder over Lake forms the condition for Subordinate. This is a time to withdraw into the background and spend time strengthening your inner vision. If you are beginning a new job, correct early mistakes quickly and quietly. Acting as a subordinate, you can avoid error. Develop a long range ideal and focus on the future with clarity of purpose.

Changing line 1: You can influence the situation under the wing of a superior. Be tactful and reserved.

Hexagram 40: Thunder over Water forms the condition for Liberation. It is within your power to resolve issues, release stuck emotions, and stalled patterns which have blocked your progress. Forgive past mistakes and transgressions. Clear the ground for new growth, taking firm action now. The future is promising.

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Hexagram 15: Moderation changes to Hexagram 28: Critical Mass.

Changing lines: 2, 4 and 5.

Hexagram 15:
Earth over Mountain forms the condition for Moderation. This is a time to balance extremes, moderate any unrealistic ideals, and harmonize interests. Concentrate on bringing equilibrium to your situations and relationships.

Changing line 2: Inner moderation yields big benefits and strengthens your influence. Good fortune.

Changing line 4: Continue to cultivate your character to reach and maintain balance in all aspects of your life.

Changing line 5: Decisive, inspired action may be necessary to achieve your aims and to maintain a healthy equilibrium.

Hexagram 28: Lake over Wind forms the condition for Critical Mass. The time is right to act independently without fear. Important, serious and meaningful possibilities are coming to a head now. This could feel like a time of crisis. It is a good time to take a stand. Make decisions about your next move.

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Hexagram 8: Unity changes to Hexagram 31: Attraction.

Changing lines: 3, 4 and 5.

Hexagram 8:
Water over Earth forms the condition for Unity. Unity brings good fortune. Take advantage of the opportunities that arise. If you are uncertain, return to your plan. Procrastination brings misfortune. The time is right to lead, be heard and influence others.

Changing line 3: You may need to seek new people in your environment to meet your goals.

Changing line 4: Openly support leaders in your community while remembering allegiance to self.

Changing line 5: The time is right to trust those with whom you are brought together. Good fortune.

Hexagram 31: Lake over Mountain forms the condition for Attraction. The Universe is held together by a complex network of various forms of attraction, which create all things. Your position of power influences the current circumstances. Allow your goal to influence and change you. The attraction is reciprocal.

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Hexagram 25: Innocence changes to Hexagram 58: Encouraging.

Changing lines: 2 and 6.

Hexagram 7:
Heaven over Thunder forms the condition for Innocence. Be prepared for a surprising, refreshing, turn of events. Align with the flow of the cosmos before taking action. The path to your goal is indirect. Rely on principles and virtues, not clever strategies. For optimal results, act innocently without conscious purpose and without ulterior motive. The unexpected helps stimulate new solutions. Act without thought of compensation or gain in stature.

Changing line 2: Devote your full attention to what you are now doing. This will help you achieve your aim.

Changing line 6: Take no action towards something new. Even innocent actions can create chaos.

Hexagram 58: Lake over Lake forms the condition for Encouraging. The "Lake" trigram is called "Joy." True joy is achieved gradually and steadily. Stand firm in truth while being kind, generous, gentle and accepting. Spend time with like-minded friends. Encourage and be encouraged by others. Communication is enhanced and cooperation leads to success. Encouragement from others will help you to be successful, just as you do the same for them.

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Hexagram 20: Contemplating changes to Hexagram 8: Unity.

Changing line 6.

Hexagram 20:
Wind over Earth forms the condition for Contemplating. Approach all situations with seasonality in mind: the Spring of new ideas, the summer of work and growth, the autumn of harvest and completion and the winter of rest. Reflect on the season of situation and you can approach it with a predictable plan. Honest contemplation will help you to explore new ideas, reflect, and modify any practices that need adjustment.

Changing line 6: Develop your personal and spiritual selves to move beyond the current situation. Focus on universal goals.

Hexagram 8: Water over Earth forms the condition for Unity. Unity brings good fortune. Take advantage of the opportunities that arise. If you are uncertain, return to your plan. Procrastination brings misfortune. The time is right to lead, be heard and influence others.

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Hexagram 37: Family.

Changing line 5.

Hexagram 37:
Wind over Fire forms the condition for Family. IInner radiance is carried by the outer wind. This is a time to approach relationships as Family. Healthy families embody three qualities: love, faithfulness, and proper conduct. In order to improve your family, company, nation, or world, begin with yourself. Actions speak louder than words. Concentrate on your character. This is a time of good fortune.

Changing line 5: A healthy relationship exists between the leader and followers. Good fortune.

Hexagram 22: Mountain over Fire forms the condition for Grace. Fire at the foot of the Mountain creates a perfect time to bring clarity to your mind, happiness to your heart, and peace to your soul. This is an enriching time for self development and self expression. An exceptional time for inspiration.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Hexagram 6: Conflict changes to Hexagram 61: Insight.

Changing lines: 1 and 4.

Hexagram 6:
Heaven over Water forms the condition for Conflict. It is a time of spiritual maturing. The path you have chosen leads to a state of (inner or outer) conflict, obstacles, and opposition. Stop and reconsider your original premise. Consider all facets of the situation and weigh the merits of all options. Look at the situation from another's perspective. Stay away from open confrontation. Do not force the issue: misunderstandings cannot be overcome with force. Hold back on major changes until the time is right.

Changing line 1: Avoid conflict or end it quickly. All goes well in the end.

Changing line 4: Gather your resources, The way will be shown when the time is right.

Hexagram 61: Wind over Lake forms the condition for Insight. This is a time for achievement through the power of insight. Be open and free of prejudice. Move beyond mind into pure observation and acceptance. Negotiate in disputes and moderate rigid ideas. Rely upon your inner strength and character.

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Hexagram 44: Temptation changes to Hexagram 37: Family.

Changing lines 1, 2 and 4.

Hexagram 44:
If a temptation with the power to throw you off-course presents itself to you, withdraw your attention. Avoid wasting your time. Stay focused on your interests, convictions, and goals.

Changing line 1: Limit the development of inferior elements to prevent them from becoming bigger problems.

Changing line 2: Stay on top of the situation by managing the weak spots.

Changing line 4: Maintain contact with people who may be less important to you. The relationships may serve you better, later.

Hexagram 37: Wind over Fire forms the condition for Family. Inner radiance is carried by the outer wind. This is a time to approach relationships as Family. Healthy families embody three qualities: love, faithfulness, and proper conduct. In order to improve your family, company, nation, or world, begin with yourself. Actions speak louder than words. Concentrate on your character. This is a time of good fortune.

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Hexagram 56: Traveling changes to Hexagram 33: Retreat.

Changing line: 5.

Hexagram 56:
Fire over Mountain forms the condition for Traveling. You are moving through the situation at hand. You will move on. Clearly define your goals. Be honest and obliging. Avoid long term commitments in personal and social relationships. Maintain your integrity..

Changing line 5: As you establish new roots, humility and generosity will meet with acceptance and success.

Hexagram 33: Heaven over Mountain forms the condition for Retreat. Withdraw from struggle and opposing forces at this time. This is a time to go within, reflect, and develop inner wisdom, strength, and reserve. When the proper time to advance comes, you will be ready.

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Hexagram 2: Natural Response.

There are no changing lines.

Hexagram 2:
Earth over Earth forms the condition for Natural Response. You are dealing with realities vs. potentials. Accept help from friends and associates and allow yourself to be led to the best possible position. Broaden your attitudes and opinions and view the world with an open mind. Others help you accomplish aims, it is not the time to act independently. Natural Response brings exceptional progress.

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Hexagram 61: Insight.

Changing lines: 1 and 6.

Hexagram 61:
Wind over Lake forms the condition for Insight. This is a time for achievement through the power of insight. Be open and free of prejudice. Move beyond mind into pure observation and acceptance. Negotiate in disputes and moderate rigid ideas. Rely upon your inner strength and character.

Changing line 1: Look inside for guidance and insight into proper action. Follow your principles.

Changing line 6: Avoid asking for help with ambitious goals. You are not well positioned currently.

Hexagram 29: Water over Water forms the condition for Danger. The real danger is brought about by your immediate environment. Meet and overcome your difficulties through correct behavior. A time of challenge can bring out your best. It is a favorable time for inner development.

Sunday, January 9, 2023

Hexagram 31: Attraction.

Changing line: 5.

Hexagram 31:
Lake over Mountain forms the condition for Attraction. The Universe is held together by a complex network of various forms of attraction, which create all things. Your position of power influences the current circumstances. Allow your goal to influence and change you. The attraction is reciprocal.

Changing line 5: The depth of your influence in external matters comes from within.

Hexagram 62: Thunder over Mountain forms the condition for Conscientiousness. This is a time for inner development and humility. Pay attention to detail and practice self control. Watch finances carefully and be conservative with expenditures. You will find good fortune by staying "below the radar" and quietly performing your life's work with dignity and diligence. Winter is an excellent time for deep, inner development.

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Hexagram 10: Conduct changes to Hexagram 3: Difficult Beginnings.

Changing lines: 2, 4, and 6.

Hexagram 10:
Heaven over Lake forms the condition for Conduct. Everything depends on how you conduct yourself now. This can be a very positive time and it can also be one filled with challenges. Success will come through dignity, composure, courtesy, and thoughtfulness. It may be necessary to be discriminating with your choice of acquaintances. It can also be a time to cultivate your inner growth and further develop your self worth.

Changing line 2: Be modest and moderate with your goals for good fortune and success.

Changing line 4: Be cautious as you move forward with your plans for the best outcome and highest success.

Changing line 6: Review your past conduct and adjust as warranted. Good and proper conduct will produce good results.

Hexagram 3: Water over Thunder forms the condition for Difficult Beginnings.A realm of the unknown. Every new venture begins with some chaos. Concentrate on the current situation and build a foundation. Exceptional progress is in store for you if you do.

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Hexagram 20: Contemplating changes to Hexagram 23: Deterioration.

Changing line: 5.

Hexagram 20:
Wind over Earth forms the condition for Contemplating. Approach all situations with seasonality in mind: the Spring of new ideas, the summer of work and growth, the autumn of harvest and completion and the winter of rest. Reflect on the season of situation and you can approach it with a predictable plan. Honest contemplation will help you to explore new ideas, reflect, and modify any practices that need adjustment.

Changing line 5: Contemplate the effect of your life upon others to gain an understanding of what the future holds.

Hexagram 23: Mountain over Earth forms the condition for Deterioration. It is part of the natural order of ebb and flow. Contemplate this time with great care, particularly in financial and business matters. Build a secure foundation by consolidating relationships. Keep a low profile. Nurture your body and mind. Look for wisdom within. The time to move toward your goal will come again.

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Hexagram 13: Community.

There are no changing lines.

Hexagram 13:
Heaven over Fire forms the condition for Community.This is a favorable time for new endeavors. Society functions best when each member is gainfully employed, excelling doing something they love, and contributing to society's overall goals. Focus on the creation of structure, processes, and healthy disciplines to help everyone align with the greater good.

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Hexagram 33: Retreat.

There are no changing lines.

Hexagram 33:
Heaven over Mountain forms the condition for Retreat. Withdraw from struggle and opposing forces at this time. This is a time to go within, reflect, and develop inner wisdom, strength, and reserve. When the proper time to advance comes, you will be ready./p>

Hexagram 27: Nourishing changes to Hexagram 41: Decline.

Changing line 2.

Hexagram 27:
Mountain over Thunder forms the condition for Nourishing. The correct nourishment of yourself and others is the current focus. Pay attention to what is being nourished and make certain it is above reproach. An enlightened person cautiously expresses herself and carefully regulates what she absorbs. Note the quality of what you give to others; support and nourishment will return to you in kind. Cultivate constructive opinions and attitudes to properly nourish your character. Express moderation.

Changing line 2: You are able to take care of yourself. Withdraw from your reliance on inferior persons.

Hexagram 41: Mountain over Lake forms the condition for Decline. This is a natural transition and swing of the pendulum. Accepting the decline and simplifying your life will help you improve timing and avoid serious mistakes. This is a favorable time for inner development and attending to business at hand. In personal relationships, be accepting and as reassuring as possible, while devoting time to refining your character.

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Hexagram 19: Promotion changes to Hexagram 16: Harmonize.

Changing lines: 1, 2, and 4.

Hexagram 19:
Earth over Lake forms the condition for Promotion. This hexagram correlates with the end of winter and the beginning of spring. This is a favorable time to progress toward your goal. Use this period to your best advantage, as it will not last forever. All of life is cyclical. This is a dynamic phase of inner growth. All activities and relationships have the potential to blossom now. Good fortune lies ahead.

Changing line 1: Be certain that your goals are worthy. Begin your endeavors with like-minded others.

Changing line 2: Continue to develop and maintain your inner discipline. Doing so will nourish and sustain you at all times.

Changing line 4: Appropriate behavior will enable you to overcome any difficulties.

Hexagram 16: Thunder over Earth forms the condition for Harmonize. Listen to your inner voice. You are in a position to harmonize socially and communicate your ideas and interests. Do so by aligning your values with those of society and gain the cooperation of others. Anticipate what is needed. Select enthusiastic supporters. The path of truth is always the path of least resistance.

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Hexagram 6: Conflict changes to Hexagram 18: Repair

Changing lines 3, 4 and 5.

Hexagram 6:
Heaven over Water forms the condition for Conflict. It is a time of spiritual maturing. The path you have chosen leads to a state of (inner or outer) conflict, obstacles, and opposition. Stop and reconsider your original premise. Consider all facets of the situation and weigh the merits of all options. Look at the situation from another's perspective. Stay away from open confrontation. Do not force the issue: misunderstandings cannot be overcome with force. Hold back on major changes until the time is right.

Changing line 3: Act honorably. Good fortune results.

Changing line 4: Gather your resources, The way will be shown when the time is right.

Changing line 5: Look to an objective and fair authority to resolve the conflict, if need be.


Hexagram 18: Mountain over Wind forms the condition for Repair. The object of your inquiry would benefit from an adjustment. The time is excellent for making amends or changes. You have the ability to change or repair your circumstances. Consider the path that led to this situation and do not be lulled into inertia by the magnitude of the task. The situation will develop new energy and inspiration once the problems are removed. Avoid slipping back into complacency.

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Hexagram 48: The Source changes to Hexagram 2: Natural Response

Changing lines 2, 3, and 5.

Hexagram 48:
Water over Wind forms the condition for The Source. The Source is the inexhaustible pool of collective nourishment and truth available to each of us. With a peaceful and reflective approach, go deep inside to gain clarity about the matter at hand. The deeper you go, the more meaningful your insight may be. Practice acceptance over judgment.

Changing line 2: Fulfill your potential by being sought out for your gifts, talents and abilities.Contribute in meaningful ways.

Changing line 3: Recognize any opportunities you may have overlooked. What action can you take for your greater benefit?

Changing line 5: Apply your insight and wisdom to your life for ongoing growth and development.

Hexagram 2: Earth over Earth forms the condition for Natural Response. You are dealing with realities vs. potentials. Accept help from friends and associates and allow yourself to be led to the best possible position. Broaden your attitudes and opinions and view the world with an open mind. Others help you accomplish aims, it is not the time to act independently. Natural Response brings exceptional progress.

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Hexagram 62: Conscientiousness changes to Hexagram 55: Zenith

Changing line 1.

Hexagram 62:
Thunder over Mountain forms the condition for Conscientiousness. This is a time for inner development and humility. Pay attention to detail and practice self control. Watch finances carefully and be conservative with expenditures. You will find good fortune by staying "below the radar" and quietly performing your life's work with dignity and diligence. Winter is an excellent time for deep, inner development.

Changing line 1: Set aside extraordinary plans in favor of something ordinary or traditional to stay away from danger at the time.

Hexagram 55: Thunder over Fire forms the condition for Zenith. You are at the peak. You fulfill your potential, achieve your goals or exhaust the possibilities. Move quickly. The Zenith is a brief period. Make the most of the matters at hand. Success and prosperity are imminent. Once on top, decline begins. It is a part of the natural cycle. Expect such change. All that you are creating will sustain you through the decline. Your successes will serve as the foundation for later growth. This is an ideal time for self discovery.

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Hexagram 31: Attraction

There are no changing lines.

Hexagram 31:
Lake over Mountain forms the condition for Attraction. The Universe is held together by a complex network of various forms of attraction, which create all things. Your position of power influences the current circumstances. Allow your goal to influence and change you. The attraction is reciprocal.

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Hexagram 2: Natural Response changes to Hexagram 41: Decline

Changing lines: 1, 2, and 6.

Hexagram 2:
Earth over Earth forms the condition for Natural Response. You are dealing with realities vs. potentials. Accept help from friends and associates and allow yourself to be led to the best possible position. Broaden your attitudes and opinions and view the world with an open mind. Others help you accomplish aims, it is not the time to act independently. Natural Response brings exceptional progress.

Changing line 1: Make preparations for the coming change.

Changing line 2: Success will come easily when you embrace the truth.

Changing line 6: Hold onto your vision as you quietly work to reach your goals.

Hexagram 41: Mountain over Lake forms the condition for Decline. This is a natural transition and swing of the pendulum. Accepting the decline and simplifying your life will help you improve timing and avoid serious mistakes. This is a favorable time for inner development and attending to business at hand. In personal relationships, be accepting and as reassuring as possible, while devoting time to refining your character.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Hexagram 46: Advancement changes to Hexagram 7: Collective Force.

Changing line 3.

Hexagram 46:
Earth over Wind forms the condition for Advancement. Modest, steady actions toward a goal brings advancement. Continuous effort is required, so do not pause. This is an excellent time for breakthroughs in communication and relationships. Work on the self is focused on the will and meets success. Know what must be done and carry it out with unwavering effort.

Changing line 3: You are in a position to advance with ease and lack of constraint. Some caution may be helpful.

Hexagram 7: Collective Force.

Earth over Water forms the condition for Collective Force. You can tap into the energy of mass support if you communicate effectively and your goals are in line with the sentiments of society. Be supportive and generous with others. This is a favorable time to broaden ideals to encompass larger goals while leading people through education, generosity, and leniency.

Sunday, October 9, 2022

Hexagram 35: Progress

There are no changing lines.

Hexagram 35:
Fire over Earth forms the condition for Progress. Fire is radiant energy. The sun rising above the earth is a time of rapid progress. This is a favorable time to make personal and professional progress, as long as your aims are sincere and benefit the greater good. Good ideas are best put to use serving others. Progressive action meets great success.

Sunday, Ocotober 2, 2022

Hexagram 24: Repeating changes to Hexagram 21: Reform.

Changing lines 4 and 6.

Hexagram 24:
Earth over Thunder forms the condition for Repeating. Thunder is active in the womb of the Earth. You are repeating a cycle in your life after a period of stagnation or frustration. The paths leading to growth are revealing themselves. Allow the improving situation to develop at its own pace. This is a time when like-minded people can work together toward a common goal. It is an ideal opportunity for self-knowledge. Set a goal. Repeating brings progress.

Changing line 4:As you move forward to a better situation, your current friends may not follow.

Changing line 6: You must wait for the cycle to repeat itself to make a change at the beginning.

Hexagram 21: Fire over Thunder forms the condition for Reform. An obstacle needs to be eliminated in order to achieve your aims. This block could be self-generated. Look to the truth within to resolve it. Examine your character and follow your principles, values, and truth.

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Hexagram 47: Adversity .

There are no changing lines.

Hexagram 47:
Lake over Water forms the condition for Adversity. This is a time to make progress through action and not words. When faced with adversity, remain emotionally stable and optimistic. Hold your fears in check. Adversity can be transcended through proper conduct, will, and determination. Hold onto your vision.

Tuesday, September 18, 2022

Hexagram 52: Meditation changes to Hexagram 50: Cosmic Order.

Changing lines: 2 and 4.

Hexagram 52:
Mountain over Mountain forms the condition for Meditation. The Mountain is about stillness. As you calm your mind and quiet your ego, you transcend inner turmoil. It is a wonderful way to ground and center your energy, renewing body, mind and spirit. True objectivity will help you to know when and when not to act. Cultivating inner peace will help you to act in harmony with the times, avoiding impulsiveness. Stop your thoughts and experience being fully present.

Changing line 2: You are swept along by your goals and the events you've set in motion.

Changing line 4: Your frame of mind is conducive to self mastery. Transcend your ego.

Hexagram 50: Fire over Wind forms the condition for Cosmic Order. When the development of the individual and the needs of the cosmos are in harmony, Cosmic Order exists. To flourish, align your aims and desires with the needs of the flow of the cosmos. Great deeds are possible when you act in harmony with the Cosmos.

Sunday, September 12, 2022

Hexagram 30: Synergy changes to Hexagram 13: Community.

Changing line 5.

Hexagram 30:
Fire over Fire forms the condition for Synergy. Qualities of Fire include illumination and intelligence. This hexagram of fire over fire (double fire) represents an opportunity for leaders to inspire and enlighten others. Create synergy within yourself.In personal relationships, aligning your desires can bring good fortune. Alleviate pressures quietly.

Changing line 5: Things are changing for the better, even if currently accompanied by deep grief.

Hexagram 13: Heaven over Fire forms the condition for Community. This is a favorable time for new endeavors. Society functions best when each member is gainfully employed, excelling doing something they love, and contributing to society's overall goals. Focus on the creation of structure, processes, and healthy disciplines to help everyone align with the greater good.

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Hexagram 50: Cosmic Order changes to Hexagram 16: Harmonize.

Changing lines: 2, 3, and 6.

Hexagram 50:
Fire over Wind forms the condition for Cosmic Order. When the development of the individual and the needs of the cosmos are in harmony, Cosmic Order exists. To flourish, align your aims and desires with the needs of the flow of the cosmos. Great deeds are possible when you act in harmony with the Cosmos.

Changing line 2: Standing apart from others will help you to achieve your goal. Good fortune.

Changing line 3: Use your talents to help things change for the better.

Changing line 6: This is a favorite time for all to benefit.

Hexagram 16: Thunder over Earth forms the condition for Harmonize. Listen to your inner voice. You are in a position to harmonize socially and communicate your ideas and interests. Do so by aligning your values with those of society and gain the cooperation of others. Anticipate what is needed. Select enthusiastic supporters. The path of truth is always the path of least resistance.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Hexagram 23: Deterioration changes to Hexagram 18:Repair.

Changing lines: 2 and 3.

Hexagram 23: Mountain over Earth forms the condition for Deterioration. It is part of the natural order of ebb and flow. Contemplate this time with great care, particularly in financial and business matters. Build a secure foundation by consolidating relationships. Keep a low profile. Nurture your body and mind. Look for wisdom within. The time to move toward your goal will come again.

Changing line 2: Be cautious as you adapt to present circumstances. You may be without allies at the present time.

Changing line 3: Always take the high road in your relationships with others. The circumstances will work themselves out.

Hexagram 18: Mountain over Wind forms the condition for Repair. The object of your inquiry would benefit from an adjustment. The time is excellent for making amends or changes. You have the ability to change or repair your circumstances. Consider the path that led to this situation and do not be lulled into inertia by the magnitude of the task. The situation will develop new energy and inspiration once the problems are removed. Avoid slipping back into complacency.

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Hexagram 28: Critical Mass changes to Hexagram 43: Resolution

Changing line 1.

Hexagram 28:
Lake over Wind forms the condition for Critical Mass. The time is right to act independently without fear. Important, serious and meaningful possibilities are coming to a head now. This could feel like a time of crisis. It is a good time to take a stand. Make decisions about your next move.

Changing line 1: Pay attention to the details associated with achieving your goal. It's OK to be cautious.

Hexagram 43: Lake over Heaven forms the condition for Resolution. Threatening forces are in a position to be eradicated. This must be done in the open and without violence. Deny your adversaries power by moving in the direction of what is good for common welfare. Raise issues frankly and honestly, without judgment. Bonds are strengthened as resolution springs from your heart.

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Hexagram 15: Moderation

There are no changing lines.

Hexagram 15:
Earth over Mountain forms the condition for Moderation. TThis is a time to balance extremes, moderate any unrealistic ideals, and harmonize interests. Concentrate on bringing equilibrium to your situations and relationships.

Monday, August 8, 2022

Hexagram 27: Nourishing changes to Hexagram 2: Natural Resopnse.

Changing lines: 1 and 6.

Hexagram 27:
Mountain over Thunder forms the condition for Nourishing. The correct nourishment of yourself and others is the current focus. Pay attention to what is being nourished and make certain it is above reproach. An enlightened person cautiously expresses herself and carefully regulates what she absorbs. Note the quality of what you give to others; support and nourishment will return to you in kind. Cultivate constructive opinions and attitudes to properly nourish your character. Express moderation.

Changing line 1: Redirect your attention to your inner self, away from the focus on the prosperity of others.

Changing line 6: You are aware of your responsibilities to educate, nourish and influence others. You will bring happiness to many.

Hexagram 2: Earth over Earth forms the condition for Natural Response. You are dealing with realities vs. potentials. Accept help from friends and associates and allow yourself to be led to the best possible position. Broaden your attitudes and opinions and view the world with an open mind. Others help you accomplish aims, it is not the time to act independently. Natural Response brings exceptional progress.

Sunday, July 31, 2022

Hexagram 33: Retreat changes to Hexagram 12: Stagnation.

Changing line: 3.

Hexagram 33:
Heaven over Mountain forms the condition for Retreat. Withdraw from struggle and opposing forces at this time. This is a time to go within, reflect, and develop inner wisdom, strength, and reserve. When the proper time to advance comes, you will be ready.

Changing line 3: If inferior persons surround you, it is difficult to accomplish your goals.

Hexagram 12: Heaven over Earth forms the condition for Stagnation. Growth has stopped and things are at an impasse temporarily. Do not try to influence others. This is a time to hold onto your values, principles, and inner confidence. Remove yourself from any situation that causes conflict. This time will pass.

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Hexagram 63: After the End changes to Hexagram 46: Advancement.

Changing lines 2 and 5.

Hexagram 63:
Water over Fire forms the condition for After the End. You have reached equilibrium and the end of a phase. Rather than relax, this is the time to contemplate and prepare for what is next. Changing circumstances and relationships provide the opportunity to strengthen your position and character. Take care of details along the way to help you successfully move toward what is next. Misfortune can be avoided through proper planning and foresight.

Changing line 2: You are vulnerable to outside forces. Do nothing and it will pass.

Changing line 5: Be reserved and graceful in public displays of triumph. Express humility.

Hexagram 46: Earth over Wind forms the condition for Advancement. Modest, steady actions toward a goal brings advancement. Continuous effort is required, so do not pause. This is an excellent time for breakthroughs in communication and relationships. Work on the self is focused on the will and meets success. Know what must be done and carry it out with unwavering effort.

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Hexagram 20: Contemplating changes to Hexagram 27: Nourishing.

Changing lines: 1 and 5.

Hexagram 20:
Wind over Earth forms the condition for Contemplating. Approach all situations with seasonality in mind: the Spring of new ideas, the summer of work and growth, the autumn of harvest and completion and the winter of rest. Reflect on the season of situation and you can approach it with a predictable plan. Honest contemplation will help you to explore new ideas, reflect, and modify any practices that need adjustment.

Changing line 1: Look beyond the surface and see the situation as a part of the larger whole.

Changing line 5: Contemplate the effect of your life upon others to gain an understanding of what the future holds

Hexagram 27: Nourishing.

Mountain over Thunder forms the condition for Nourishing. The correct nourishment of yourself and others is the current focus. Pay attention to what is being nourished and make certain it is above reproach. An enlightened person cautiously expresses herself and carefully regulates what she absorbs. Note the quality of what you give to others; support and nourishment will return to you in kind. Cultivate constructive opinions and attitudes to properly nourish your character. Express moderation..

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Hexagram 15: Moderation changes to Hexagram 29: Attraction.

Changing lines: 4 and 5.

Hexagram 15:
Earth over Mountain forms the condition for Moderation. This is a time to balance extremes, moderate any unrealistic ideals, and harmonize interests. Concentrate on bringing equilibrium to your situations and relationships.

Changing line 4: Continue to cultivate your character to reach and maintain balance in all aspects of your life.

Changing line 5: Decisive, inspired action may be necessary to achieve your aims and to maintain a healthy equilibrium.

Hexagram 31: Lake over Mountain forms the condition for Attraction. The Universe is held together by a complex network of various forms of attraction, which create all things. Your position of power influences the current circumstances. Allow your goal to influence and change you. The attraction is reciprocal.

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Hexagram 7: Collective Force.

There are no Changing lines.

Hexagram 7:
Earth over Water forms the condition for Collective Force. You can tap into the energy of mass support if you communicate effectively and your goals are in line with the sentiments of society. Be supportive and generous with others. This is a favorable time to broaden ideals to encompass larger goals while leading people through education, generosity, and leniency.

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Hexagram 61: Insight.

There are no changing lines.

Hexagram 61:
Wind over Lake forms the condition for Insight. This is a time for achievement through the power of insight. Be open and free of prejudice. Move beyond mind into pure observation and acceptance. Negotiate in disputes and moderate rigid ideas. Rely upon your inner strength and character.

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Hexagram 53: Developing changes to Hexagram 52: Meditation.

Changing line: 5.

Hexagram 53:
Wind over Mountain forms the condition for Developing. This is a time natural unfolding of events. Allow the situation to develop gradually. Success comes as you maintain a clear vision of your plans while adapting to established traditions.

Changing line 5: If you are misjudged as you gain more influence, communications will clear up and good fortune will follow.

Hexagram 52: Mountain over Mountain forms the condition for Meditation. The Mountain is about stillness. As you calm your mind and quiet your ego, you transcend inner turmoil. It is a wonderful way to ground and center your energy, renewing body, mind and spirit. True objectivity will help you to know when and when not to act. Cultivating inner peace will help you to act in harmony with the times, avoiding impulsiveness. Stop your thoughts and experience being fully present.

Monday, June 13, 2022

Hexagram 22: Grace changes to Hexagram 12: Stagnation.

Changing lines: 1, 3, 4, and 5.

Mountain over Fire forms the condition for Grace. Fire at the foot of the Mountain creates a perfect time to bring clarity to your mind, happiness to your heart, and peace to your soul. This is an enriching time for self development and self expression. An exceptional time for inspiration.

Changing line 1: Move forward with self-directed integrity and authenticity, Avoid false pretenses.

Changing line 3: You benefit from Grace. Be sincere and humble as you continue your endeavors.

Changing line 4: Choose between or outer or inner path. the inner path is one of deeper self-knowledge and simplicity.

Changing line 5: You are more worthy than you recognize. Be sincere and you will meet with good fortune.

Hexagram12: Heaven over Earth forms the condition for Stagnation. Growth has stopped and things are at an impasse temporarily. Do not try to influence others. This is a time to hold onto your values, principles, and inner confidence. Remove yourself from any situation that causes conflict. This time will pass.

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Hexagram 57: Penetrating Influence changes to Hexagram 18: Repair.

Changing line: 5.

Hexagram 57:
Wind over Wind forms the condition for Penetrating Influence. Imagine a steady and gentle wind. The power of the mind through concentration is enhanced. A vision of what you want to accomplish, along with patience, and a long-term commitment brings success. Gradual, inconspicuous effort in a consistent direction brings progress. A gentle approach is key.

Changing line 5: Continue your vigilance and influence to accomplish your aims. Periodically re-evaluate.

Hexagram 18: Mountain over Wind forms the condition for Repair. The object of your inquiry would benefit from an adjustment. The time is excellent for making amends or changes. You have the ability to change or repair your circumstances. Consider the path that led to this situation and do not be lulled into inertia by the magnitude of the task. The situation will develop new energy and inspiration once the problems are removed. Avoid slipping back into complacency.

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Hexagram 54: Subordinate changes to Hexagram 35: Progress.

Changing lines: 1, 2, and 6.

Hexagram 54:
Thunder over Lake forms the condition for Subordinate. This is a time to withdraw into the background and spend time strengthening your inner vision. If you are beginning a new job, correct early mistakes quickly and quietly. Acting as a subordinate, you can avoid error. Develop a long range ideal and focus on the future with clarity of purpose.

Changing line 1: You can influence the situation under the wing of a superior. Be tactful and reserved.

Changing line 2: Carry on with your vision to make progress, even though the situation is disappointing.

Changing line 6: You will achieve success by releasing your ego-driven agenda and sincerely following the Sage.

Hexagram 35: Fire over Earth forms the condition for Progress. Fire is radiant energy. The sun rising above the earth is a time of rapid progress. This is a favorable time to make personal and professional progress, as long as your aims are sincere and benefit the greater good. Good ideas are best put to use serving others. Progressive action meets great success.

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Hexagram 8: Unity changes to Hexagram 60: Limitations.

Changing lines: 1 and 2.

Hexagram 8:
Water over Earth forms the condition for Unity. Unity brings good fortune. Take advantage of the opportunities that arise. If you are uncertain, return to your plan. Procrastination brings misfortune. The time is right to lead, be heard and influence others..

Changing line 1: Genuine, honest, unbiased associations will attract like-minded others to you and yield good fortune.

Changing line 2: Follow your intuition vs. looking for approval from others.

Hexagram 60: Water over Lake forms the condition for Limitations. This is a time to set practical limits related to money, time, energy, emotions, and behavior, to bring future opportunity. Life without guidelines can be confusing and unsettling. Practical rules and regulations limit extravagant practices, help conserve resources, and bring balance. For steady progress and true meaning, define and observe reasonable limits in all you do.


Sunday, May 15, 2022

Hexagram 54: Subordinate changes to Hexagram 52: Meditation.

Changing lines: 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6.

Hexagram 54:
Thunder over Lake forms the condition for Subordinate. This is a time to withdraw into the background and spend time strengthening your inner vision. If you are beginning a new job, correct early mistakes quickly and quietly. Acting as a subordinate, you can avoid error. Develop a long range ideal and focus on the future with clarity of purpose.

Changing line 1: You can influence the situation under the wing of a superior. Be tactful and reserved.

Changing line 2: Carry on with your vision to make progress, even though the situation is disappointing.

Changing line 3: Be aware of the role of your ego in attaining your desires. You may need to adjust your approach to attain your desires.

Changing line 4: Maintain your principles and wait for a better time to take action.

Changing line 6: You will achieve success by releasing your ego-driven agenda and sincerely following the Sage.

Hexagram 52: Mountain over Mountain forms the condition for Meditation. The Mountain is about stillness. As you calm your mind and quiet your ego, you transcend inner turmoil. It is a wonderful way to ground and center your energy, renewing body, mind and spirit. True objectivity will help you to know when and when not to act. Cultivating inner peace will help you to act in harmony with the times, avoiding impulsiveness. Stop your thoughts and experience being fully present.

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Hexagram 29: Danger changes to Hexagram 8: Unity.

Changing line: 2.

Hexagram 29:
Water over Water forms the condition for Danger. Water over Water forms the condition for Danger. The real danger is brought about by your immediate environment. Meet and overcome your difficulties through correct behavior. A time of challenge can bring out your best. It is a favorable time for inner development.

Changing line 2: Small, consistent efforts are possible at this time. No big change is possible.

Hexagram 8: Water over Earth forms the condition for Unity. Unity brings good fortune. Take advantage of the opportunities that arise. If you are uncertain, return to your plan. Procrastination brings misfortune. The time is right to lead, be heard and influence others.

Sunday, May 1, 2022

Hexagram 62: Consciensciousness changes to Hexagram 15: Moderation

Changing line: 4.

Hexagram 62:
Thunder over Mountain forms the condition for Conscientiousness. This is a time for inner development and humility. Pay attention to detail and practice self control. Watch finances carefully and be conservative with expenditures. You will find good fortune by staying "below the radar" and quietly performing your life's work with dignity and diligence. Winter is an excellent time for deep, inner development.

Changing line 4: Stay low right now. Do not forge ahead or force issues.

Hexagram 15: Earth over Mountain forms the condition for Moderation. This is a time to balance extremes, moderate any unrealistic ideals, and harmonize interests. Concentrate on bringing equilibrium to your situations and relationships.

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Hexagram 12: Stagnation changes to Hexagram 35: Progress.

Changing line 5.

Hexagram 12:
Heaven over Earth forms the condition for Stagnation. Growth has stopped and things are at an impasse temporarily. Do not try to influence others. This is a time to hold onto your values, principles, and inner confidence. Remove yourself from any situation that causes conflict. This time will pass.

Changing line 5: A change for the better is coming, built upon a strong foundation. A cautious and reserved approach is OK.

Hexagram 35: Fire over Earth forms the condition for Progress. Fire is radiant energy. The sun rising above the earth is a time of rapid progress. This is a favorable time to make personal and professional progress, as long as your aims are sincere and benefit the greater good. Good ideas are best put to use serving others. Progressive action meets great success.

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Hexagram 2: Natural Response changes to Hexagram 16: Harmonize.

Changing line: 4.

Hexagram 2:
Earth over Earth forms the condition for Natural Response. You are dealing with realities vs. potentials. Accept help from friends and associates and allow yourself to be led to the best possible position. Broaden your attitudes and opinions and view the world with an open mind. Others help you accomplish aims, it is not the time to act independently. Natural Response brings exceptional progress.

Changing line 4: Develop an inner reserve and maintain a low profile.

Hexagram 16: Thunder over Earth forms the condition for Harmonize. Listen to your inner voice. You are in a position to harmonize socially and communicate your ideas and interests. Do so by aligning your values with those of society and gain the cooperation of others. Anticipate what is needed. Select enthusiastic supporters. The path of truth is always the path of least resistance.

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Hexagram 36: Censorship changes to Hexagram 3: Difficult Beginnings.

Changing lines: 3 and 5.

Hexagram 40:
Earth over Fire forms the condition for Censorship. You are confronted by forces that challenge your convictions and goals. This is an ideal time to step into the background, listen, observe, and conceal your feelings, while maintaining your principles. You can transcend this challenging time. Avoid challenging the opinion of others. Letting things pass, even if you do not agree, is a good way to stay clear of trouble.

Changing line 3: Take control of the situation. Gradually release ingrained patterns that no longer serve your best interest.

Changing line 5: Come into alignment with the current situation while keeping your ideas quiet.

Hexagram 3: Water over Thunder forms the condition for Difficult Beginnings. A realm of the unknown. Every new venture begins with some chaos. Concentrate on the current situation and build a foundation. Exceptional progress is in store for you if you do.

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Hexagram 35: Progress changes to Hexagram 52: Meditation.

Changing lines: 3 and 4.

Hexagram 35:
Fire over Earth forms the condition for Progress. Fire is radiant energy. The sun rising above the earth is a time of rapid progress. This is a favorable time to make personal and professional progress, as long as your aims are sincere and benefit the greater good. Good ideas are best put to use serving others. Progressive action meets great success.

Changing line 3: Your progress is dependent upon the involvement of others. Maintain a common trust.

Changing line 4: Progress cannot be attained through questionable means or people. Retreat. The truth will come to light.

Hexagram 52: Mountain over Mountain forms the condition for Meditation. The Mountain is about stillness. As you calm your mind and quiet your ego, you transcend inner turmoil. It is a wonderful way to ground and center your energy, renewing body, mind and spirit. True objectivity will help you to know when and when not to act. Cultivating inner peace will help you to act in harmony with the times, avoiding impulsiveness. Stop your thoughts and experience being fully present.

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Hexagram 1: Creative Power

There are no changing lines.

Hexagram 1:
Heaven over Heaven forms the condition for Creative Power. This is a time of accelerated growth. Take the initiative and direct your energy wisely. You have the opportunity to manifest personal desires and achieve happiness.

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Hexagram 12: Stagnation changes to Hexagram 44: Temptation.

Changing lines: 2 and 3.

Hexagram 12:
Heaven over Earth forms the condition for Stagnation. Growth has stopped and things are at an impasse temporarily. Do not try to influence others. This is a time to hold onto your values, principles, and inner confidence. Remove yourself from any situation that causes conflict. This time will pass.

Changing line 2: Quietly stick to your principles. Accept current stagnation; remain temporarily apart. Ultimate success.

Changing line 3: Avoid using questionable methods and motives or shame could result.

Hexagram 44: Heaven over Wind forms the condition for Temptation. If a temptation with the power to throw you off-course presents itself to you, withdraw your attention. Avoid wasting your time. Stay focused on your interests, convictions, and goals.

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Hexagram 20: Contemplating changes to Hexagram 53: Developing.

Changing line 3.

Hexagram 20:
Wind over Earth forms the condition for Contemplating. Approach all situations with seasonality in mind: the Spring of new ideas, the summer of work and growth, the autumn of harvest and completion and the winter of rest. Reflect on the season of situation and you can approach it with a predictable plan. Honest contemplation will help you to explore new ideas, reflect, and modify any practices that need adjustment.

Changing line 3: Gain objective self-knowledge to make the best decisions for yourself.

Hexagram 53: Wind over Mountain forms the condition for Developing. This is a time natural unfolding of events. Allow the situation to develop gradually. Success comes as you maintain a clear vision of your plans while adapting to established traditions.

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Hexagram 32: Continuing changes to Hexagram 64: Before the End.

Changing lines: 3 and 6.

Hexagram 32:
Thunder over Wind forms the condition for Continuing. Work within established systems to bring about order, unity, and security to you and your community. Introduce new thought while adhering to the foundations that support sound growth and a well-ordered life.

Changing line 3: Be consistent with your actions and reactions to minimize difficulty.

Changing line 6: Balance and align your energy. A perpetual state of anxiety brings exhaustion.

Hexagram 64: Fire over Water forms the condition for Before the End. This hexagram is a reminder that the outer world will come into order only after the inner world has done so. It is also a reminder that "thoughts create things." This is a time to quiet your ego and focus on creating a solid inner foundation and inner balance for yourself. Allow good judgment and discernment to prevail as you proceed with caution. A rebirth, of sorts, is in order. Before The End brings progress.

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Hexagram 55: The Zenith changes to Hexagram 36: Censorship.

Changing line 4.

Hexagram 55:
Thunder over Fire forms the condition for The Zenith. You are at the peak. You fulfill your potential, achieve your goals or exhaust the possibilities. Move quickly. The Zenith is a brief period. Make the most of the matters at hand. Success and prosperity are imminent. Once on top, decline begins. It is a part of the natural cycle. Expect such change. All that you are creating will sustain you through the decline. Your successes will serve as the foundation for later growth. This is an ideal time for self discovery..

Changing line 4: Your situation is finally coming together to help you achieve your goal. Positive attitude; wise decision-making.

Hexagram 36: Earth over Fire forms the condition for Censorship. You are confronted by forces that challenge your convictions and goals. This is an ideal time to step into the background, listen, observe, and conceal your feelings, while maintaining your principles. You can transcend this challenging time. Avoid challenging the opinion of others. Letting things pass, even if you do not agree, is a good way to stay clear of trouble.

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Hexagram 29: Danger changes to Hexagram 45: Assembling.

Changing lines: 2 and 4.

Hexagram 29:
water over Water forms the condition for Danger. The real danger is brought about by your immediate environment. Meet and overcome your difficulties through correct behavior. A time of challenge can bring out your best. It is a favorable time for inner development.

Changing line 2: Small, consistent efforts are possible at this time. No big change is possible.

Changing line 4: Take a simple, clear, straight-forward approach to solving your problems.

Hexagram 45: Lake over Earth forms the condition for Assembling. Will you be participating in a group assembly? Strong bonds will be developed through shared common goals, The time is right to drop defenses. Be sincere and have a goal in mind. Shared bonds and goals unite people and groups. Alignment with goals brings confidence and well-being. Good fortune.

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Hexagram 33: Retreat changes to Hexagram 43: Resolution.

Changing lines: 3 and 6.

Hexagram 33:
Heaven over Mountain forms the condition for Retreat. Withdraw from struggle and opposing forces at this time. This is a time to go within, reflect, and develop inner wisdom, strength, and reserve. When the proper time to advance comes, you will be ready.

Changing line 3: If inferior persons surround you, it is difficult to accomplish your goals.

Changing line 6: Retreat without guilt or doubt from the situation at hand. Overall good fortune.

Hexagram 43: Lake over Heaven forms the condition for Resolution.

Hexagram 50: Fire over Wind forms the condition for Cosmic Order. When the development of the individual and the needs of the cosmos are in harmony, Cosmic Order exists. To flourish, align your aims and desires with the needs of the flow of the cosmos. Great deeds are possible when you act in harmony with the Cosmos.

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Hexagram 25: Innocence changes to Hexagram 33: Retreat.

Changing lines: 1 and 3.

Hexagram 25:
Heaven over Thunder forms the condition for Innocence. Be prepared for a surprising, refreshing, turn of events. Align with the flow of the cosmos before taking action. The path to your goal is indirect. Rely on principles and virtues, not clever strategies. For optimal results, act innocently without conscious purpose and without ulterior motive. The unexpected helps stimulate new solutions. Act without thought of compensation or gain in stature.

Changing line 1: Spontaneity brings good fortune. Trust your instincts.

Changing line 3: Unavoidable misfortune may come, along with new solutions. Remain open to learning.

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Hexagram 48: The Source changes to Hexagram 29: Danger.

Changing line 3.

Hexagram 48:
Water over Wind forms the condition for The Source. The Source is the inexhaustible pool of collective nourishment and truth available to each of us. With a peaceful and reflective approach, go deep inside to gain clarity about the matter at hand. The deeper you go, the more meaningful your insight may be. Practice acceptance over judgment.

Changing line 3: Recognize any opportunities you may have overlooked. What action can you take to for your greater benefit?

Hexagram 33: Heaven over Mountain forms the condition for Retreat. Withdraw from struggle and opposing forces at this time. This is a time to go within, reflect, and develop inner wisdom, strength, and reserve. When the proper time to advance comes, you will be ready.

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Hexagram 44: Temptation changes to Hexagram 18: Repair.

Changing lines: 4 and 5.

Hexagram 44:
Heaven over Wind forms the condition for Temptation. If a temptation with the power to throw you off-course presents itself to you, withdraw your attention. Avoid wasting your time. Stay focused on your interests, convictions, and goals.

Changing line 4: Maintain contact with people who may be less important to you. The relationships may serve you better, later.

Changing line 5: Rely upon your principles and character. They are in tune with the cosmos.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Hexagram 18: Mountain over Wind forms the condition for Repair. The object of your inquiry would benefit from an adjustment. The time is excellent for making amends or changes. You have the ability to change or repair your circumstances. Consider the path that led to this situation and do not be lulled into inertia by the magnitude of the task. The situation will develop new energy and inspiration once the problems are removed. Avoid slipping back into complacency.

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Hexagram 9: Restrained changes to Hexagram 63: After the end.

Changing lines: 2 and 6.

Hexagram 9:
Wind over Heaven forms the condition for Restrained. Your impulses, intentions and plans may be held in check by an unknown detail. Stay close to the situation you wish to affect. Attend to details and avoid aggressive action. Restrain yourself until your plan can be accommodated.

Changing line 2: Study the situation before taking action. A retreat leads to good fortune at this time.

Changing line 6: Be content with your initial progress. Wait for a better time to fully proceed.