(Photo by Andrew Patrick from Pexels)
February 1st and 4th: Chinese New Year
Do you realize that there are two Chinese New Year’s? There’s a lunar new year and a solar new year. The Chinese Lunar new year, the day for parties and celebrations, is the second new moon after the winter solstice. This year it falls on February 1 and ushers in the year of the Yang Water Tiger. The year runs from February 1, 2021 – January 22, 2023. This is a movable date. It varies according to moon cycles.
The solar year runs from February 4th, 2022 to February 3, 2023. February 4th is the day to place your cures and adjustments for the year. This is a fixed date every year. If you practice Feng Shui’s Flying Star system, these are important dates.
Chinese New Year represents the beginning of spring. It’s a time to clear out old, stagnant energy, and get a fresh start. Part of getting a fresh start involves making annual adjustments to your house based on compass directions or sectors.
Each year we have two factors to take into consideration: the animal year and the annual Lo Shu number. The animal year refers to things that influence you on a personal level. The annual Lo Shu number refers to energetic influences located in specific areas (compass directions) of your home, office, and garden. Working from a position of strength, you can positively influence the type of year you have, by neutralizing negative energies and negative stars, while activating the positive stars.
2022 is a Yang Water Tiger year: February 1, 2022 until January 21, 2023.
The Tiger is the third animal in the Chinese zodiac, and it is compatible with the Horse and the Dog. The Rabbit is a friend as well. The Tiger clashes with the Monkey, thus 2022 can be a challenging year for people born in Monkey years. People born in Ox, Dragon, Sheep/Goat or Dog years may need to give attention to balancing their energy. They may find it excessive or deficient at times.
We last experienced similar energies 60 years ago, in 1962, a year of progression and innovation. Here's a recap of some events from 1962:
- the first US Rocket Range IV landed on the moon,
- JFK asked Congress for $531 million to put a man on the moon before the end of the decade,
- James Meredith enrolled as the first African American at the University of MS (and had to be escorted by US Marshalls),
- the Cuban missile crisis occurred,
- the Seattle Space Needle Tower opened for the World’s Fair,
- the US Navy Seals unit was created,
- the UN General Assembly condemned South Africa’s apartheid system as racist,
- Algeria gained independence from France and Jamaica from Great Britain,
- Columbus Day storms hit the Pacific NW hard,
- a heavy storm on Germany’s North Sea coast killed 300 people,
- the oral polio vaccine was first given to children,
- Marvel’s Spider Man superhero made his debut in a comic,
- Walmart and K-Mart opened,
- JFK proposed a consumer Bill of Rights with four basic rights (safety, information, choice and to be heard), and
- Marilyn Monroe died of an overdose.
Isn't it amazing how 1962 was packed with earlier versions of current day issues?
The tiger is considered the king of the beasts in China. A symbol of strength, bravery, and unpredictability, people born in a Tiger year are known for being confident, charming, well-liked, bold, and competent leaders. They can handle anything that comes along. They also can be impetuous, irritable, stubborn, and overindulgent. Water tigers are known for strong self-esteem.
2022 is likely to be an unpredictable, yet transformational, year. The last (Metal) Tiger year, 2010, had many significant events, including the Icelandic volcano and Haiti earthquake. We’re a bit more than halfway through a 40-year economic reshaping and the USA is experiencing its Pluto return on February 22nd (where our shadow side shows itself to be resolved) which complicate matters a bit. Although change is disruptive, it’s all for the best. Unsustainable patterns are continuing to break down to pave the way for long term shifts that will help humanity and our planet.
The Flying Stars influence the energy in your house and environment. When activating the Flying Stars, the year begins February 4, 2020 and ends February 3, 2022. During 2022, the Flying Stars are in their “home” position or the original “Magic Square.” Thus, the strength of each star will be heightened. The favorable stars will be stronger, and the troublesome ones will be as well. Thus, take care to weaken the energy of stars 2, 3, 5, and 7.
The Annual Lo Shu number is the annual number that “flies in” every February. The number for 2022 is 5. Thus “5” is in the middle of the Lo Shu or Magic Square for the year. This number and positioning are used for both Flying Star systems as well as Nine Star Ki astrology.
If you would like your home or business analyzed according to the 2022 Flying Stars, contact Peg. My fee to set up your initial plan is $375.00. Annual updates are $108.00. I would need your floorplan and the compass direction of your front door, facing out.
I'm also preparing one-page Personal Forecasts for the year. This is a perspective about your personal Chinese zodiac animal in the year of the Tiger, along with your Nine Star Ki cycle for 2022. It can be a helpful planning tool. These are $45.00.
Contact Peg if you’d like your home analyzed according to this system and/or if you’d like a Personal Forecast.