It’s that time of year again, Mercury Retrograde. Mercury is the planet that rules communications. It appears to back up and retrace its path for approximately three weeks. Things get mixed up and misunderstandings happen. More electronics break down, cars have trouble, and accidents occur. This month, Mercury will be backing up in Capricorn, the sign of responsibility, structure, and planning long term goals.
This cycle is an excellent time to review your plans for the year ahead, reorganize your closets, cabinets and other stagnant or neglected areas of your home. It’s also a good time to reduce digital clutter. Take a rest from your typical activities during the next few weeks to allow more time between appointments, review and read (but not sign) legal documents or contracts, and readjust your space. You might also relax on vacation or enjoy self-pampering at home.
In one sense, Mercury Retrograde is a gift. If you slow down, retreat a bit and simply breathe, you may find that things can go quite well. It occurs three to four times annually. Mark your calendar for 2022. The remaining Mercury Retrograde cycles are:
May 10 – June 2
September 9 – October 2
December 29 – January 18
Mercury Retrograde cycles are times to catch up, reconsider what’s happening, and recalibrate your home, your work area, and your life. Occurring after the holidays provides the opportunity to put away holiday décor, if you have gotten to it yet, do some planning and settle into the new year. It’s a good time to deep clean your home and prepare for Chinese New Year, which is February 3. February 4th is the day to make your annual changes, if you follow the Flying Star system or a classical approach to feng shui.
You can learn a lot by moving in harmony with nature, the planetary cycles, and the world at large. Trying to do too much and pushing against this cycle is likely to yield frustration, stress, anger and more. It’s better to observe this from afar vs. initiating it from within.
During Mercury retrograde cycles it’s recommended that you:
- Tightly schedule appointments or activities,
- Purchase cars, computers, phone, appliances, or other electronics,
- Argue or get pulled into nasty disagreements,
- Drive aggressively or erratically,
- Sign contracts.
- Cut your schedule in half,
- Allow more time between appointments,
- Be kind to yourself and other people,
- Pause, breathe, and think before reacting to anything that annoys you,
- Drive carefully … pay attention to other drivers,
- Plan renovations and remodeling projects,
- Research future options and intended purchases.
- Relax and read.
For inspirational Mercury Retrograde activities, look to words that begin with the letters “re.” Here are some worthwhile activities:
Within your home or workspace:
- Redo your workspace … working from home will continue for a bit.
- Recreate a space for yourself or other family members.
- Refresh, renovate, or repaint a room.
- Repair something worthwhile.
- Repurpose one or more items.
- Refinish furniture.
- Repot house plants. Thin out your garden.
- Release old emails, text messages and electronic files you no longer need.
For yourself:
- Retreat at home or have a spa day.
- Reflect deep within yourself.
- Reconsider your choices.
- Release fears, trapped emotions, and nonbeneficial beliefs.
- Reassess your plans for the remainder of the year.
- Rediscover interests.
- Rehearse and/or record videos or music.
- Read books, magazines, or other items of interest.
- Rewrite something.
- Remain grounded and centered.
Make the most of the next three weeks by pulling back and embracing a slower pace of life. You’ll be richly rewarded. May good things happen for you!