2025 is a Yin Wood Snake year. It began on January 29, 2025 and ends February 16, 2026.
The Snake, a yin Fire animal, is the sixth animal in the Chinese zodiac, and it is compatible with the Rooster and the Ox. The Horse is a friend as well. The Pig clashes with the Snake, thus 2025 can be a challenging year for people born in Snake and Pig years. Those born in the year of the Pig may find that they lack general motivation and make limited progress towards goals during 2025. People born in Rat, Monkey, or Rooster years as well as those born in years with Earth and Metal heavenly stems may have more challenges in 2025.
Chinese Lunar New Year, otherwise known as the Spring Festival, is the second new moon after the winter solstice and the new moon that is closest to spring. The Lunar New Year is the most important celebration in China and usually goes on for about eight days, as families gather together to celebrate. February 4, the solar new year, is the day to make the annual updates in your home.
In traditional feng shui, we have two factors to take into consideration: the animal year and the annual Lo Shu number. The animal year refers to things that influence you on a personal level. The annual Lo Shu number refers to energetic influences located in specific areas (compass directions) of your home, office, and garden. Working from a position of strength, you can positively influence the type of year you have, by neutralizing negative energies and negative stars, while activating the positive stars. 2024 is a #2 year, thus Star #2 is on the center of every home throughout the year. For the next 20 years, enhance stars 1, 2, 6, 8, and 9. Take care to weaken the energy of stars 3, 4, 5 and 7.
The Chinese calendar runs in 60-year cycles. We last experienced similar energies 60 years ago, in 1965. Major events of 1965 include: President Johnson proposed his Great Society program; state troopers attacked peaceful demonstrators led by Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., in Selma, AL; President Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act; the Watts riots in Los Angeles (35 people were killed and 883 injured over six days); escalation of the Viet Nam war; The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 was passed; the Great Northeast Blackout occurred (cutting power to 30 million people in eight states as well as Ontario and Quebec, Canada); the first commercial satellite was launched (providing telecommunication services to industry); Ralph Nader published “Unsafe at Any Speed,” (a report that began a campaign to improve the safety of US autos). Isn’t it amazing how we are dealing with aspects of these issues today?
Although the 1960’s were a tumultuous decade, yin Wood years can bring resolution, resilience and steady growth. Perhaps we will experience resolution to some long-standing issues. The last yin Wood year was 2015 (yin Wood Sheep) and the last Snake years were 2013 and 2001.
Snake energy is a creative, transformative, healing energy. Long a symbol of medicine, sexuality, and wisdom, the serpent also represents kundalini or life force energy. The serpent’s fire lies coiled at the base of your spine and is activated as you grow and develop. As your kundalini energy rises and is released, your body, mind and spirit energy centers are opened and activated. You may become conscious of new dimensions and new levels of awareness, health and creativity.
Snake qualities include compassion, intelligence, intuition, and charm. Lessons to be learned relate to forgiveness and possessiveness. Since snakes shed their skins, they also signify rebirth. In my own life I have noticed a pattern of significant personal change during Snake years. During 2025 many people may begin to see the world from a new perspective.
Wood energy supports and strengthens Fire energy, so 2025 could be a dynamic year for breakthroughs, growth, and social progress.
The Flying Stars influence the energy in your house and environment. When activating the Flying Stars, the year begins February 4, 2025 and ends February 3, 2026.
The Annual Lo Shu number is the annual number that “flies in” every February. The number for 2025 is 2. Thus “2” is in the middle of the Lo Shu or Magic Square for the year. This number and positioning are used for both Flying Star systems as well as Nine Star Ki astrology. For the next 20 years, enhance stars 1, 2, 6, 8, and 9. Take care to weaken the energy of stars 3, 4, 5 and 7.
During 2025, pay extra attention to the NE, SE, East, and NW sectors.
- The Annual 5 Star is in the NE (22.5 – 67.5)
- The Grand Duke (Tai Su) is in the SE (Snake) sector (142.5º - 157.5º).
- The Three Killings (52.5-127.5) primarily in the East, overlaps both the NE and SE.
- Sui Po (Year Breaker; 322.5º - 337.5º) is in the NW (Pig) opposite the Snake.
Cleanse Last Year’s Cures
- You can cleanse the cures currently in place under the next full moon or in four hours of direct sunlight. Sprinkle with salt and let them soak up the moonshine or sunshine. Then rinse under water and place in the appropriate areas.
- Toss all old Salt-Water cures; replace in the #5 sector (NE).
- Toss out last year’s Bagua Mirrors used as an annual cure.
If you’d like to know more about this system, or if you would like a customized update for your floorplan, contact Peg. Your first Flying Star overlay for your floorplan is $195.00. Annual updates after that are $108.00.
Overall, take time this month to get on track for the new year. Set your intentions and refresh your home. Also put some beneficial and healthy routines in place for yourself. Soon you’ll be experiencing a shift toward spring and wonderful new beginnings. Embrace them and move forward with enthusiasm and joy.