Q&A Service

As we begin 2025, our focus in on the Fame gua, the center back of every space ... your home, your office or workspace, your master bedroom, your land.


What's going on in this area of your life? Is everything in balance? If you have any specific concerns ... related to the Fame gua or any other area or topic of concern, send them along. One question is $49.00, two questions are $80.00 and three questions are $99.00. If a particular cure or adjustment is required, you may be asked to send along red envelopes as well. If so, this will be explained to you.


Questions might relate to placement of furniture, best placement for a mirror, the type of mirror to use, supportive colors, desk placement, adjustments to a particular area to support your intentions, clarification about conflicting information you may have heard, etc.


For example: 


I'd like my work to be more visible to attract more attention, publicity and customers. What are some affordable steps I can take?


Help! There's a bathroom in my Fame gua. I have read that this is not optimal feng shui. What suggestions do you have to balance the elements, particularly excess Water?   (Send one or more photos for review.)

I have a gorgeous mirror in my Fame gua. What can I do to balance the excess Water energy in a Fire gua?  


Send along your question(s) and supporting information such as a photo or a floor plan, if they would be helpful to peg@fengshuiconnections.com. A floor plan of your house and photos of the area in question will help too