August 2024 Feng Shui Forecast

August 4: New Moon in Leo
August 5: Mercury Retrograde through August 28
August 19: Full Moon


We begin the month leading up to the August 4 new moon in Leo. Leo is a playful, fun-loving sign. There’s a lot of support and encouragement to lighten up and take time to enjoy the month before we head back to school and business in September. You may also find that you are doing a lot of rethinking this month! Mercury goes retrograde shortly after the new moon and stays there through August 28 … most of the month.


The area of your home that corresponds to the energies this month is the Children, Creativity and Joy gua. This is the center-right of your home, every room in your home, your workspace, and your yard or land. This area relates to:

  • Creative self-expression
  • Loving what you do
  • Finding your voice
  • Mouth, teeth, gums, tongue, lips
  • Lungs, large intestine, skin, esophagus
  • Children and joy


In the feng shui bagua, Metal is the primary element for this area. Metal presents itself in all types of metals; white and pastel colors; as well as circles, ovals and arch shapes. The metal element is strengthened by Earth and weakened by Water, Wood and Fire. As in all areas of the bagua, it’s all about balance. Balance doesn’t mean an equal measure of each element. Balance is unique to each location and situation. When Metal is balanced, you are more likely to have coherent thoughts, have excellent communications, feel organized, focused, and somewhat precise.


When Metal is deficient (too little), you and your space may feel sloppy, unprotected, you may find things hard to finish and have no strong sense of purpose. If this feels like you, add metallic or earthy items or items that represent the Metal and Earth elements.


On the other hand, if your energy is abrasive, you are overly critical or judgmental, or you are compulsive, sarcastic, aloof or indifferent … either reduce Metal and Earth in your surroundings or add items that represent Water, Wood and Fire elements.


If you are feeling overwhelmed with life or experiencing deep grief, an influx of the Fire element may be appropriate. If your energy is scattered, add Earthy items to help ground you.


If communications are mixed up, bring in Metal to help them be more precise and accurate. You can do this easily through your clothing too. Since white is a Metal color, wearing white can help your communications become clear and more precise. It’s a great color to help cool typical August temperatures too.


Overall, remove clutter, lighten up, and bring some whimsy into your space and your life this month.


Here’s a perspective about the Children and Creativity gua from Chat GPT:


Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese practice of harmonizing individuals with their environment, offers various techniques to enhance different aspects of life. One crucial area within Feng Shui is the Children and Creativity Gua, also known as the Creativity & Children sector. This sector is located in the western part of the Bagua map, a fundamental tool in Feng Shui used to analyze the energy distribution in a space. Focusing on this area can help nurture creativity, support children’s well-being, and bring joy and playfulness into one’s life. (Peg’s note: it’s the symbolic west or the center-right side of the bagua.)

The Children and Creativity Gua is associated with the element of metal, which signifies clarity, precision, and efficiency. Metal’s energy supports the creation process, helping ideas to manifest into reality. It is also linked with the color white and the shape of a circle, both representing purity and completeness. By incorporating these elements into the western part of a home or workspace, one can enhance the energy in this sector. (See previous note about the west.)

To activate and balance the Children and Creativity Gua, several Feng Shui principles can be applied. First, decluttering the space is essential. A clean and organized area allows energy to flow freely, creating an environment conducive to creativity and productive activities. Removing unnecessary items and maintaining order helps in reducing distractions, fostering a clear and focused mind.

Incorporating elements of metal in this sector can further enhance its energy. This can be achieved through the use of metal objects, such as sculptures, frames, or decorative items made of gold, silver, or other metals. Additionally, integrating the color white through furnishings, decor, or wall paint can amplify the metal element’s positive influence.
(Peg’s note: pastel colors also represent the Metal element and work well in this gua.)

Symbolic items that represent creativity and children can also be strategically placed in this area. Art supplies, musical instruments, and handmade crafts can serve as reminders of the creative potential within. For those focusing on children’s well-being, placing photographs of children, toys, or educational materials can stimulate positive energy, supporting their growth and happiness.

Another effective way to boost the energy of the Children and Creativity Gua is by incorporating circular shapes. Circles, representing unity and completion, can be introduced through furniture, artwork, or even rugs. These shapes help to create a harmonious and balanced atmosphere, promoting a sense of wholeness and continuity in creative endeavors.

In addition to physical adjustments, the use of intention and visualization is vital in Feng Shui. Setting a clear intention for the Children and Creativity Gua and visualizing the desired outcomes can significantly enhance the effectiveness of the adjustments made. Regularly spending time in this area, engaging in creative activities, or simply enjoying moments of playfulness can reinforce the positive energy and make the intentions manifest more readily.
(Peg’s note: set your intention on the August 4th full moon, if you can.)

Maintaining a balance between the five elements—wood, fire, earth, metal, and water—is crucial in any Feng Shui practice. While enhancing the metal element in the Children and Creativity Gua, it is important to ensure that other elements are not entirely neglected. A harmonious balance can be achieved by introducing small amounts of wood (e.g., plants or wooden objects), fire (e.g., candles or red decor), earth (e.g., crystals or pottery), and water (e.g., fountains or blue decor).

In conclusion, the Feng Shui Children and Creativity Gua offers a powerful way to nurture creativity and support children’s well-being. By thoughtfully arranging the western sector of a space with appropriate elements, shapes, and symbolic items, one can enhance the energy flow and create an environment conducive to creative expression and joy. Through intentional design and mindful practices, the positive influence of this Gua can be maximized, leading to a more balanced and fulfilling life.



Here’s a quick review of how the Five Elements show up in your space and possessions. To support the Children, Creativity and Joy gua, emphasize décor with Earth and Metal energy. Use Water, Wood and Fire elements to bring balance.




Earth energy grounds, comforts and nurtures. Earthy items include:

  • Square shapes
  • Yellow, Brown and all Earth tones
  • Big items that hug the earth, such as heavy furniture low to the floor
  • Sand and Seashells
  • Bricks, Clay, and Adobe
  • Wooden furniture (because it is harvested or dried wood)



Metal energy brings clarity and organization to spaces and situations. Incorporate:

  • All metal: gold, silver, brass, aluminum and more (pots & pans, lamps, picture frames…)
  • Marble, granite, flagstone
  • Natural crystals and rocks dug from deep in the earth
  • Circles, oval and arch shapes
  • White, gray and pastel shades.
  • Balance with Water, Wood and Fire Items


Water brings reflective and philosophical qualities to a space. Water items include:

  • All water, water features, pictures and art with water (rivers, streams, lakes, ocean, etc.)
  • Glass, mirrors, reflective surfaces and shiny objects
  • Free form and symmetrical shapes
  • Black and very deep, dark colors. 


Wood energy is about growth and expansion. Wood energy is represented by:

  • Fresh flowers, plants and trees
  • Floral fabrics and patterns
  • Vertical stripes and tall columns
  • Green and blue


Fire energy is transformative. It is represented by:

  • Sunlight and the sun
  • Candles, lights, and sparkly items
  • Fire and flames
  • Red and the red palette
  • Triangles, pyramids, diamond, and cone shapes
  • People and animals (including pictures)
  • Electronics and electrical items


August 19th Full Moon

Tune into the full moon on Monday, August 19th.  Notice what is coming to light related to the intentions you set with the August 4th new moon. How have communications been this month? If things are mixed up, it could be due to Mercury Retrograde. See things sorting themselves out.


The signs might be small at first. They will grow over time. Give thanks that what you have asked for is taking shape and beginning to emerge. Giving thanks in advance of something happening is a great way to help bring it to fruition. Set positive expectations, be patient, and be grateful. Then watch how things unfold.


Contact Peg if you would like help assessing or balancing your space. Sometimes a quick assessment vis Zoom or phone is enough to get you moving along.