September 2024 Feng Shui Forecast

September 2: New Moon in Virgo
September 17: Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse

We begin the month leading up to the September 2nd new moon in Virgo. After the active summer months, September is a self-growth, return to business, month. It’s time to refocus your attention on your health and well-being, develop daily habits that serve your highest good, sharpen your critical thinking and discernment skills, and balance your personal needs with your inclination to serve others. Put yourself first. By doing so, you’ll be in a stronger position to assist others when desired or required.


This is a month to pay attention to details. Mercury turned direct on August 28th. After standing still for a few days, things that got confused, mixed up or delayed during August will be coming to the surface for correction, adjustment, and action.


In your home, the Center is the area of focus for this month: the Center of your house as well as the Center of every room in your house. The Center holds energy that permeates throughout the entire space. Refresh the Center as you move indoors for the cooler months. If you live in warmer areas and you’ve been spending a lot of time indoors, reinvigorate and recharge the “various Centers” throughout your home. Doing so will help carry you through the coming months.


Be sure to set appropriate boundaries. Take care of yourself first. Then, you can take care of others. If you put others ahead of your own needs, you deplete your energy. Emergencies and unexpected situations pop up and test us from time to time. You’re in the best position to respond to them when you’ve addressed (rather than ignored) your own needs and self-care.


Earth Energy and The Center of your Home

The Center of your home and every room in your home, the Center of your land and the Center of your workspace are Earth areas in the Five Element system. Earth is strengthened by Fire and depleted by Metal, Water and Wood energy. After removing clutter and putting things away, look around the Center and assess the elemental balance. Earth is represented by the color yellow and the fall palette, square shapes, earthenware and pottery, seashells, and things that come from the earth, such as woven baskets made from dried reeds or plant material. Earth is also represented by wood furniture, wood floors, wood paneling, and wood ceilings. As wood is harvested and dried, the energy condenses and shifts to Earth.


The Fire element, which supports Earth, is represented by the red palette, triangular and diamond shapes, people and animals.

If you’d like to enhance Earth energy and attributes, add items with Fire or Earth qualities. If you want to rebalance and soften the qualities of Earth energy, remove some items with Earth or Fire qualities and/or add items that represent the Metal, Water or Wood elements.

How do you know if you should add or rebalance elements in your space? There’s an art and science to this. The actions you take depend on your objectives and what you’d like to achieve. The actions also depend on your starting point and how your space looks and feels. Here are some guidelines:

Add Earth: if you and/or your space have been feeling unstable, judgmental, critical, compulsive.

Reduce Earth: if you and/or your space have been feeling smothered, stifled, unprotected.

Remove Wood or add Fire: if you’ve been angry, hostile or impatient.

Reduce Earth or add Water: if you’re constantly worried, irritable, stingy.

Reduce Earth or add Metal: if you find it hard to focus, or you have no strong sense of purpose.

To balance a home with significant wood décor and furnishings, include a lot of white and light, colorful pastel shades. Also include metallic items and circular, oval and arch shapes.

Set an Intention on the September 2nd New Moon in Virgo
I recommend that you set an intention and do a meditation for your well-being on September 1st, 2nd, or 3rd. Doing so, you’ll align with the energy of the new moon. Give some thought about where you are and what you’d like to shift this month. Your intentions will be even stronger if you write them down and place them in a location special to yourself … such as an altar, a God jar, an intention or creation box. When writing your intentions, write them in the present tense, using positive words, and express them just as if it is happening now.

Here are some examples:

  • I am so grateful that my health is strong and vibrant.
  • I easily overcome any health challenges that come my way.
  • My strong support team and various resources enable me to easily overcome obstacles that are on my path.


There are many aspects of self-care that you could focus on this month. It might pertain to your physical or mental health, releasing stress, shifting personal or business dynamics, changing a personal habit. Reflect on what generates unhealthy stress or tension in your life and consider ways you could eliminate or shift it.


Before or after writing your intentions and doing a meditation, take inspired action to move toward your goals. Adjusting your space can help you create a supportive environment. When you change your space, you’re shifting the subtle energy. When your space supports your goals, you don’t have to work as hard. People that you’re thinking about might call or contact you. New ideas, inspirations, or solutions may suddenly emerge. Play with these concepts this month. Set your intentions, adjust your space, and notice the shifts beginning with September 17th full moon and lunar eclipse.


The Center: The Heart of your Home

The energy in the Center of your house sets the tone for your entire space. It permeates throughout every room. If the Center of your home is well maintained, it sends positive energy to the rest of your house. If it is cluttered, bogged down with things you don’t use or love, needs repair, or is energetically imbalanced, it sends a vibration throughout your space that can contribute to stress and anxiety, muddled thinking, chaos and more. Currently, there’s a lot of anxiety and uncertainty in the air. You can bring a sense of calm to your own situation by focusing inwardly on yourself and outwardly on your space. You and yours. Not anyone else’s.


Goddess and Craftsman Archetypes

Virgo is an Earth sign that represents service to humanity. Familiar archetypes are the Goddess and the Craftsman.  These are feminine and masculine representations of Virgo. Traits include being detail-oriented, well- grounded, logical, practical, analytic, organized, solution-focused, kind, gentle and supportive. On the downside, Virgo energy can be overly critical, too much of a perfectionist, worrisome, and shy. Work is a key focus of Virgo energy, finding it a challenge to stop and relax.


The spiritual side of Virgo is about being of service. This month, be of service to yourself. Tune into your deep inner being and address at least one aspect that is important to you or that has been overlooked or set aside in recent months. Perhaps you’ve been focused on helping others. If you continually serve others at the expense of taking care of yourself, you’ll deplete your energy and not be in the best position to serve. This month, make yourself the center of your attention. Doing so puts you in a stronger position to move forward with grace and ease.


Observe and Take Photos

Look around and observe your space. Take some photos and study them What do you notice? Does the space feel good to you or are there changes or adjustments you’d like to make? This is a favorable month to do so.


Pay attention to Center of your home (and every room) if you’d like to:

  • Have a personal breakthrough
  • Create a healthy habit
  • Shift the dynamics of a relationship
  • Reduce stress or worry
  • Improve your digestion
  • Eat healthier
  • Get more sleep
  • Cleanse your body
  • Deep clean your home
  • Have a Space Clearing
  • Take more responsibility for yourself
  • Treat yourself better


Earth Archetype: The Peacemaker

The Center of your home is associated with the Earth element. The archetype for Earth is the Peacemaker. The Peacemaker values serenity, stability, comfort, quiet time, meditating, cooperation, and trust. The Peacemaker harmonizes environments, putting people at ease. Focusing on aspects that bring mutual benefit, the Peacemaker works to unify whatever is divided or antagonistic, converting discord into harmony. This month, focus on disharmony within yourself. What are some ways you can bring yourself into a better state of equilibrium, so that you experience grace, ease, and joy daily?

In balance, Earth energy is nurturing, comfortable, stable, grounded, and unifying. You nurture yourself and others without going overboard. When Earth energy is deficient, you might be focused on survival or be feeling very unstable. You might also feel closed off both emotionally and spiritually. In excess, Earth energy manifests as not being able to do enough for other people. It can come across as smothering, stifling, and overprotective. You might also experience muddled thinking and constantly feel worried.

How do the attributes of the Peacemaker, the Goddess and the Craftsman touch your life? Are there any areas you’d like to explore more deeply? This month is a favorable time to experience a positive breakthrough and put yourself on a new track.


Health and the Center of your Home

From a health perspective, the Center of your home relates to your stomach, spleen, pancreas, digestive system, lymph, and nervous systems. If you have imbalances in any of these areas, check the center of your home, every room in your home, your workspace, and yard. What captures your attention? Does the space feel alive and vibrant, or does it seem bogged down or stuck in any way? If it’s the latter, it’s time to refresh.


The Center of your Home and the Five Elements

The Center of your home is associated with the Earth element. This is represented by the color yellow, square shapes, low flat rectangles, heavy furniture that hugs the ground, horizontal lines, pottery and earthenware, bricks, and seashells.


Earth energy is strengthened by Fire and depleted by Metal, Water, and Wood energy. Balance the Center of your home with Earth and Fire energy. Use Metal, Water, and Wood energies to harmonize it. When it feels good to you, you have it right.


Earth energy grounds and anchors your space. Earth items include:

  • Pottery, earthenware, bricks, and clay
  • Seashells and natural items
  • Square shapes
  • Oversized or heavy furniture that hugs the floor.
  • Yellow, brown and earth tones
  • Wood floors, wood paneling, wood ceilings, wood furniture.


Fire brings dazzling, sparkling energy to a space. It is represented by:

  • Fire, flames, lights, sunlight, candles
  • Triangles, pyramids, diamond, and cone shapes
  • People and animals
  • Electronics and electrical items
  • Red, burgundy and the red palette.


Metal energy helps bring clarity to a space. Metal items include:

  • All metal: gold, silver, brass, aluminum and more (pots & pans, lamps, picture frames…)
  • Marble, granite, flagstone
  • Natural crystals and rocks dug from deep in the earth
  • Circles, oval and arch shapes
  • White, gray, and pastel shades.


Water energy helps to create flow. It also brings reflective and philosophical qualities. Water is represented by:

  • Water features and water itself
  • Mirrors, windows, glass, reflective and shiny surfaces
  • Black and very dark colors
  • Free form, wavy and symmetrical shapes
  • Pictures of lakes, rivers, harbors, ocean views.


Wood energy is about growth and expansion. Wood is represented by:

  • Fresh flowers, plants, and trees
  • Floral fabrics and patterns
  • Vertical stripes and tall columns
  • Vertical rectangles
  • Green and blue.


Tips to Enhance the Center of your Home

  • Place a beautiful vase of sunflowers or red and yellow flowers.
  • Use natural items: shells, brick, earthenware, adobe, tile.
  • Hang pictures your favorite people or animals.
  • Use triangle and diamond shapes to add some zip.
  • Use square shapes for more grounding.
  • Add a bowl of fruit to represent vibrant health.
  • Incorporate some pottery into your décor.
  • Need to be more grounded? Use brown.
  • Add a sun sculpture or some red for more vitality.
  • Hang a beautiful chandelier.


As you make changes, remember to do the Three Secrets Reinforcement with each cure or enhancement that you place. The Three Secrets process is a way to strengthen your intention and to transfer it to the related object you place or the action you take.


September 17th Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse
Full moons are when things come to light and Eclipses are periods of dynamic change. Eclipses come in pairs every six months. Lunar eclipses are about completions or endings and solar eclipses represent new beginnings. Lunar eclipses happen with a full moon and solar eclipses occur with a new moon. Eclipse events can occur thirty days before and after an eclipse. The effects of an eclipse can influence your life for 3-6 months for a lunar eclipse and a year or longer for a solar eclipse.

The September 17th eclipse is a partial lunar eclipse. It will be visible across Europe, Africa, North and South America. Those with important planets within 22-28 degrees of Pisces or Virgo might experience a loss, separation, or completion. There is not as much buzz about this, compared to the April 8, 2024 eclipse, because it is a partial eclipse and you may barely notice it is occurring. Here is a link to learn more:


On September 17th, do a mediation. Tune in and reflect on what’s happening. Has anything shifted in the past two weeks? Perhaps you have more insight about a particular situation? Notice the small shifts. They lead to bigger ones. One connection or solution many lead to another and then another. Perhaps you’re having a breakthrough or you’re realizing what you need to release. It’s all a process and the process is unique to each person. As you discover and work from your deep inner strength, you may realize how strong and powerful you really are. As I have said for many years, the “work” is always on oneself.


October 2nd New Moon and Solar Eclipse

The follow-up Solar Eclipse is October 2nd, will be visible primarily over southern South America. Those with important planets within 7 – 13 degrees of Libra or Aries are in transition. They may finish one initiative and begin another, feeling at odds or divided over which way to go for a bit of time. Here is a link to learn more:


Contact Peg if you need the process for the Three Secrets Reinforcement or if you’d like help evaluating the energy of your space.