October 2024 Feng Shui Forecast

October 2: New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Libra
October 17: Full Moon

We begin the month leading up to the October 2nd new moon and solar eclipse in Libra (10 degrees 4 minutes). New moons are a time for new beginnings and eclipses are periods of change and transition. If you have an important planet 7-13 degrees Libra or Aries in your astrology chart, the influence of this solar eclipse could last for a year. During this eclipse cycle you will be likely to complete something and begin anew. You might finish one initiative and begin another, feeling at odds or divided over which way to go for a bit of time. Take extra care of your health for the next month, at minimum too, as more accidents are likely.


The October 2nd eclipse will be visible primarily over southern South America. Here is a link to learn more: https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/solar/2024-october-2.


The area of your home to work with this month is the Relationship, Partnership and Marriage gua (“Relationship gua”). This is the back-right corner of your house, every room in your house, your office or workspace, and your yard or land.


The energy of this area influences:

  • Life partners
  • Romantic partners
  • Marriage and marital partners
  • Mother and mother-issues
  • Co-dependency issues
  • Female health
  • Self-care, self-love, and forgiveness


If you would like to strengthen, shift, or work with any of these topics, October is an ideal month to do so. It’s a month of new beginnings. You can let go of what’s not working and focus on starting fresh. If things are going well, build on that energy and make it even stronger.


The Relationship gua is represented by the I Ching’s Earth trigram of three dashed lines stacked vertically.


Dashed lines represent yin, or feminine, energy. Characteristics associated with feminine energy are soft, delicate, receptive, earthy, stable, comfortable, nurturing, and unifying. Feminine energy is not about being weak, fragile, unbalanced, or emotionally unstable. If these energies are present, the situation or person would benefit from being brought back into balance.


Qualities of Earth Energy

The Relationship gua is an Earth gua. Earth likes to bring harmony. It dislikes conflict.

In balance, Earth energy is nurturing, comfortable, stable, grounded, solid and unifying. Too much Earth energy can show up as smothering, stifling, overprotective, muddled thinking, constant worry, feeling that you can’t do enough to please others. Too little Earth energy expresses itself as being emotionally and spiritually shut-off, unstable, and worried about survival.


Earth energy is strengthened by Fire energy and can be balanced (also weakened) by Metal, Water and Wood energies. I recommend that you reflect on relationships in your life, identify your intentions and goals, and then audit the back right area of your spaces. Note what is located there. What’s located in this area that signifies or represents your desires?


Bathroom, Laundry Room or Powder Room in the Back-Right Corner?

Many homes, apartments, and condos have a bathroom, laundry room, or powder room in the back-right corner. Sometimes this pattern is in place on multiple floors. Basements might also have a sump pump here. These are energies that drain Earth energy, due to the abundance of water. Water and Earth make mud! If your living space has this pattern and relationships are an issue for you, you can balance the excess Water energy by adding items and décor comprised of Wood, Fire and Earth energies.


Do you hold or harbor grudges against anyone, including your mother? If so, I recommend letting them go (even if the person has passed away). Hanging onto them holds you back. It can also hinder your health. Over the years, I have helped people uncover deeply held feelings that they had long forgotten about, related to their mother, in particular. Negative, buried feelings can interfere with attracting and maintaining meaningful relationships in your life. This is a good month to audit your past and release all grudges. Let go of annoyances. Forgive those who have disappointed or even harmed you. Forgiveness doesn’t indicate that what happened is OK. Forgiveness releases the toxic hold that grudges have on your body, mind and spirit. Forgiveness allows you to heal.


If you would like to attract a relationship, place something in this gua that holds this intention. It might be a photo of two people or animals in a happy relationship, a beautiful piece of art of a sculpture, a pair or set of something, such as candles. If you have single items (such as a photo of one person), either pair them up or place them elsewhere. A common pattern for single people who desire a partner, is to have a series of single pictures and items in the various Relationship guas throughout the home. I have seen this multiple times over the years. It is easily remedied. A photo or art of a single person can be paired with a second photo or piece of art. Or you can replace it with a photo or art that has two people, animals, flowers, trees, or something meaningful in it.


Health-wise, the Relationship gua influences your internal organs, the spleen and stomach, the digestive system, your immune system, and the lower half of your body. If you have stomach or digestive disorders, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, diabetes, congestion, or goiter, remove clutter, clean, and rebalance this gua.


Earth energy is represented by square shapes; items made from adobe, brick, clay or earthenware; seashells, natural items; big, heavy furniture that hugs the floor; low, heavy rectangular items. Earth energy is also represented by the fall color palette … yellow, brown, muted orange and muted gold. Note the earthy parts of your Relationship gua and assess whether it feels in or out of balance. When a space is balanced, the chi flows easily, and it is comfortable to spend time there.

If you’d like to enhance Earth energy and attributes, add items with Fire or Earth qualities. If you want to rebalance and soften the qualities of Earth energy, remove some items with Earth or Fire qualities and/or add items that represent the Metal, Water or Wood elements.

How do you know if you should add or rebalance elements in your space? There’s an art and science to this. The actions you take depend on your objectives and what you’d like to achieve. The actions also depend on your starting point and how your space looks and feels. Here are some guidelines:

Add Earth: if you and/or your space have been feeling unstable, judgmental, critical, compulsive.

Reduce Earth: if you and/or your space have been feeling smothered, stifled, unprotected.

Remove Wood or add Fire: if you’ve been angry, hostile or impatient.

Reduce Earth or add Water: if you’re constantly worried, irritable, stingy.

Reduce Earth or add Metal: if you find it hard to focus, or you have no strong sense of purpose.

Add Wood, Fire and Earth: if your Relationship gua has an excess of Water energy due to a bathroom or laundry room.

To balance a room or home with significant wood décor and furnishings, include a lot of white and light, colorful pastel shades. Also include metallic items and circular, oval and arch shapes.

Set an Intention on the October 2nd New Moon in Libra
I recommend that you do a mediation related to relationships in your life on October 1st, 2nd, or 3rd. Set a specific intention. Write it down and reflect on it. This will help you to align with the energy of the new moon. Give some thought about where you are and what you’d like to shift this month. Place your written intentions in a location special to yourself … such as an altar, a God jar, an intention or creation box. When writing your intentions, write them in the present tense, using positive words, and express them just as if it is happening now.

Here are some examples:

  • My marriage is strong and my spouse is loving.
  • I easily attract my ideal and loving partner to my life.
  • I release all grudges and forgive those who have hurt me.
  • I forgive my mother for all that came between us.
  • I am so grateful that my health is strong and vibrant.
  • I easily ground and center my energy regularly.
  • I take great care of myself, so that I can also take excellent care of others.


There are many aspects of relationships that you could focus on this month. It might pertain to your physical, emotional, or mental health, releasing grudges, forgiving a key person in your life, forgiving someone from deep within your past, ending a relationship that no longer works for you, changing a personal habit. Reflect on what contributes to angst in your life and consider ways you could eliminate or shift it.


Before or after writing your intentions and doing a meditation, take inspired action to move toward your goals. Adjusting your space can help you create a supportive environment. When you change your space, you’re shifting energy. When your space supports your goals, you don’t have to work as hard. People that you’re thinking about might call or contact you. New ideas, inspirations, or solutions may suddenly emerge. Play with these concepts this month. Set your intentions, adjust your space, and notice the shifts beginning with October 17th full moon.


The Partnership Gua and the Five Elements

The Partnership gua is associated with the Earth element. This is represented by yellow and the autumn palette, square shapes, low flat rectangles, heavy furniture that hugs the ground, horizontal lines, pottery and earthenware, bricks, and seashells.


Earth energy is strengthened by Fire and depleted by Metal, Water, and Wood energy. Balance the Partnership gua with Earth and Fire energy. Use Metal, Water, and Wood energies to harmonize it. When it feels good to you, you have it right.


Earth energy grounds and anchors your space. Earth items include:

  • Pottery, earthenware, bricks, and clay
  • Seashells and natural items
  • Square shapes
  • Oversized or heavy furniture that hugs the floor.
  • Yellow, brown and earth tones
  • Wood floors, wood paneling, wood ceilings, wood furniture.


Fire brings dazzling, sparkling energy to a space. It is represented by:

  • Fire, flames, lights, sunlight, candles
  • Triangles, pyramids, diamond, and cone shapes
  • People and animals (and pitctures of people or animals)
  • Electronics and electrical items
  • Red, burgundy and the red palette.


Metal energy helps bring clarity to a space. Metal items include:

  • All metal: gold, silver, brass, aluminum and more (pots & pans, lamps, picture frames…)
  • Marble, granite, flagstone
  • Natural crystals and rocks dug from deep in the earth
  • Circles, oval and arch shapes
  • White, gray, and pastel shades.


Water energy helps to create flow. It also brings reflective and philosophical qualities. Water is represented by:

  • Water features and water itself
  • Mirrors, windows, glass, reflective and shiny surfaces
  • Black and very dark colors
  • Free form, wavy and symmetrical shapes
  • Pictures of lakes, rivers, harbors, ocean views.


Wood energy is about growth and expansion. Wood is represented by:

  • Fresh flowers, plants, and trees
  • Floral fabrics and patterns
  • Vertical stripes and tall columns
  • Vertical rectangles
  • Green and blue.


Eight Tips to Enhance your Relationship Gua

  • Place a beautiful picture of you and your spouse or partner, taken during happy times.
  • Pair or double-up a single item or photo. Give it a partner!
  • Place a beautiful set of candlesticks.
  • Set a table for two.
  • Incorporate some pink or yellow into the area.
  • Add two pieces of rose quartz.
  • Pair up two beautiful pillows.
  • Create a cozy corner for two.


As you make changes, remember to do the Three Secrets Reinforcement with each cure or enhancement that you place. The Three Secrets process is a way to strengthen your intention and to transfer it to the related object you place or the action you take.


October 17th Full Moon
Two weeks later, the full moon emerges. This is a time to notice what is coming to light. It’s also time to let of what no longer fits in your life. You might have an urge to release clutter of all sorts. Take note and take inspired action. Also pay attention to your hunches and intuition. Tune in and see if the intentions you set with the October 2nd new moon are beginning to take shape. If not, give them time.


Contact Peg if you need the process for the Three Secrets Reinforcement or if you’d like help evaluating the energy of your space.