January 1: Mercury Retrograde Ends
January 6: 12th Day of Christmas
January 11: New Moon in Capricorn… Balance Your Fame Gua
January 25: Full Wolf Moon
The December 21st winter solstice ushered in some very nice energy for stability and growth. The structures are in place to help everyone create a better future. It won’t happen automatically. Each of us needs to do our part and take positive steps to make the world a better place. The good news is that universal cycles also support this.
We begin January in the shadow of the December 26th full moon and the final day of Mercury retrograde (Jan 1). When Mercury retrograde ends, the planet sits still for a few days before moving forward again. By Friday, January 5th, communication, travel, and telecommunication snags will likely have already cleared up or will soon resolve themselves more easily.
The January 11th new moon in Capricorn is an excellent planning cycle. It’s a good time to set your intentions and take inspiring action to get them started. Capricorn is a clear and focused sign that helps you to reorganize activities, consider the long-term implications, and plan for the future.
What a great way to begin the year. The Capricorn new moon will help you to focus on your direction and goals, responsibilities, duty, vision, long-term planning, and achievements. Capricorn is a practical, grounded, and determined Earth sign. Use the momentum of January 11th new moon to get organized and plan for 2024.
Plan Ahead
This is an ideal time to organize yourself and your home, and to add structure to what you’d love to manifest. Sit in a comfortable spot and do a meditation, long enough to relax and feel your energy flow. Pay attention to what comes into your consciousness. Then get a beverage of your choice and a pad of paper or a notebook. Write about your vision, intentions, and goals. Include as many details as you can. Define who, what, where, how, and when things will get done. Know that you don’t have to do everything yourself. Anticipate and expect help from “unseen” sources as you go along.
You might enjoy creating a vision board. This is an inspiring process where you place images, words, art, and other representations of your desires on a poster board, bulletin board, your wall or any surface your desire. Suspend doubt about how something might manifest and fast forward to the end result of having or experiencing it. Really feel it and believe you can have it. Your job is to decide what you’d love to be, do, or have and allow the Universe to help get it done. Vision boards are powerful. They work!
Check out Susannah Conway’s annual “Unravel Your Year.” It’s an excellent planning guide.
Focus on your Fame Gua
The Fame gua is the back center area of your home and every room in your home when you place a grid of nine blocks over it, similar to a tic tac toe board. The Fame gua is directly opposite the Career gua, which is the Center-front of your space. As you put away your holiday décor, place your focus on your Fame gua.
The Fame gua is associated with the Fire element. Fire energy illuminates your path. It energizes and boosts your goals, helping to bring them alive. Capricorn new moons provide the perfect foundation for you to seek what you want in life, and to put the processes and structures in place to support whatever you’d like to create for yourself.
Activating your Fame gua brings you more visibility by shining your light to the world. January is an ideal month to do this, particularly if you would like to:
- Draw from your wellspring, your inner source of power
- Clarify your goals and direction
- Define and/or strengthen your personal plan
- Put a solid foundation in place
- Add structure to support your efforts
- Fully use your resources
- Manage your responsibilities
- Get a new job
- Be better known
Fire Energy and the Fame Gua
The Fire energy of the Fame gua is strengthened by the element Wood. Fire, in turn, feeds and strengthens Capricorn’s Earth qualities that nurtures and stabilizes you. Fire, and therefore the Fame gua, is smothered and weakened by an overload of Earth, Metal and Water energy. Have some representations of some of these energies in your Fame gua to bring balance, but just not too much. As you clean and refresh your Fame gua, visualize your goals and dreams unfolding just the way you want (or in ways even better than you anticipate!).
Then assess how your space feels. If it feels great, chances are it’s in balance. If things catch your attention, make some adjustments. If you’re not sure, take a picture of the space and study it. Often, you can see patterns in photos that you don’t see in person. This is because you can be blind to things that you’ve been living with for thirty days or longer. You look at the space but your eyes gloss over what’s there.
Fire energy is represented by:
Sunlight and the sun
Candles, lights, and sparkly items
Fire and flames
Red and the red palette
Triangles, pyramids, diamond, and cone shapes
People and animals
Electronics and electrical items
Wood energy is represented by:
Fresh plants and trees
Fresh flowers
Green and blue
Vertical stripes and tall columns
Floral fabrics
Art with any the above attributes
A poinsettia plant or a Christmas cactus is a perfect addition to “fire up” your Fame gua, as long as it’s thriving. If you aren’t ready to pack away all of your holiday ornaments, put them to work this month. Shiny and glittery objects, star and diamond shapes, and pyramids and triangles, among other items can reinforce your intentions in the Fame gua. Lights and candles do the same. I also like to leave angels out year-round. Continue to enjoy the items that bring you pleasure during the darker days of winter.
Circulatory, Heart, Eye, Head or Brain Problems? Adjust your Fame Gua
From a health perspective, the Fame gua influences your heart network and small intestine, as well as your overall circulation, eyes and vision, head, and brain. In addition, Capricorn new moons impact backbone, joints, knees, skin, and hair.
If you have health issues related to these areas, adjust your Fame guas. These areas are the center-back of all of your spaces … your house, every room in your house, your workspace and your land. Look for dull, stagnant energy, clutter, things in disarray or out of balance, plumbing or electrical problems, cloudy windows or ones not fully working properly, anything that needs repair, etc. Correcting these situations will strengthen the energy of your Fame gua and positively influence the corresponding areas in your life.
Clean Your Fame Gua and Write Down Your Intention or New Year’s Resolutions
Take stock of your Fame areas prior to the January 11th full moon. Clean and refresh these areas. Adjust and/or repair what you can. Also, write your intentions or New Year’s resolutions and strengthen them with a meditation. As you write, be clear about what you want. Add details. Describe what you intend to manifest as you begin the new year. Write in the present tense, just as if things are happening now. Keeping your focus in the present, brings things closer to you. Afterall, you’re always in the present. You are never in the past or the future.
Nine tips to reinforce Capricorn and Fame energies this month:
- Set clear intentions and place them in a red envelope in your Fame gua.
- Create a Vision Board. Bring your dreams to life.
- Light a candle and meditate on your intentions for 9, 18, or 27 days.
- Add some red … such as a bowl of red ornaments or fresh red apples.
- Place a red flowering plant or fresh flowers.
- Hang or place something that sparkles or glitters.
- Include diamonds or diamond shapes.
- Place pictures of happy people who enjoy being together, doing things they love.
- Include something that represents high integrity or how you’d like to be known.
January is the perfect month for a reset. Cleaning your Fame gua and consciously bringing it to life will go a long way toward you coming into very nice alignment with your goals for 2024. You can also activate your space by ringing a bell or playing beautiful music.
A Heads Up for Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year is Feb 10th. It will be the year of the Yang Wood Dragon. Feb 4th is the day to refresh your annual cures. I’ll write about this in the February newsletter. If you would like an annual Flying Star update ($108.00), contact Peg. These will be done during the next few weeks, in time for you to order any bagua mirrors or other cures you may need.
Write Your Intentions and Meditate on January 11th
On Thursday, January 11th, write about what you’d like to manifest related to
yourself, your goals, and what would bring you joy this year. Put your intention in a red envelope, activate it with a prayer or blessing and then place it in the Fame gua of your home, bedroom, or office. Write your intention in the present tense, using positive words, just as if it’s happening for you now. For example: “At this new moon I welcome a fresh start for 2024 as my dreams and intentions come to life.” You can also be more specific. The more details you include, the better your result.
As you meditate, visualize the end result of your intentions. Give them positive energy and see them unfolding for yourself. Let go of how things will happen. Your job is to set your intentions and embrace the outcome. Leave the details up to the Universe. What you ask for may come to you in ways you don’t even anticipate. Be open to the unexpected in positive ways, so that you notice and express gratitude when it arrives.
Check-in at the January 25th Full Moon
The January full moon is two weeks later on Thursday, January 25th. On this day and the following two weeks, looks for signs that the intentions you set on January11th have taken root. As the light of the full moon shines bright, may it fill you with you and inspiration as well.
Contact Peg for a Consultation
If you’d like help applying these concepts to your space, contact Peg for a consultation. It can help to put you on a path to success.