March 2025 Feng Shui Forecast


March 14: Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse
March 15: Mercury Retrograde through April 7
March 20: Spring Equinox
March 29: New Moon and Solar Eclipse

We have an active month ahead! March begins in the shadow of the February 27th new moon in Pisces. This is a time to allow inspiration and imagination to come to the forefront. It is a time to dream big, imagine what is possible, envision your goals, and focus on creating what you truly want. The February 27th new moon correlates with the Center of your home, every room in your home, and your workspace. The energy of these areas ties to your overall health and well-being. If you haven’t already done so, clean and revitalize the Center of your home early this month and certainly prior to the March 15th Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse. It’s a good time to clear winter debris and clutter. Prepare for spring and new beginnings.

It’s a favorable time to think outside of the box and to welcome in new possibilities. It’s also a time to release your “old stuff.” Let go of what no longer works for you … physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Clear it all out. Doing so provides the space for new opportunities. If you set intentions with the February 27th new moon, they will have a potent, long-term effect. If you didn’t set intentions yet, there’s still time. Give thought to your overall health and well-being. What would you like to shift, strengthen, release or change? This is a good time to identify these things and bring them to the forefront. I encourage you to do this within the first few days of March.

Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse March 14th
The intentions you set with the February 27th new moon will begin to root and take shape in the two weeks leading to the March 14th Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse. Things come to light at each full moon to be released. The lunar eclipse brings an added dimension and focus on your health as well. The March 2025 eclipses are associated with physical energy and physical events. Take extra care and be extra vigilant with all you do through April 29, the end of eclipse season. The good news is that safety and responsible choices are emphasized with the March 14th eclipse. So, give some thought to your health and well-being, identify the shifts you’d like to make, and take care bringing them to fruition. If you maintain a pure heart with all you do, you’ll also create some ease and flow as you move ahead.

Mercury Retrograde begins March 15th, the day after the eclipse. It continues through April 7th. You probably know the routine here. Lighten your schedule, avoid purchasing electronics, double-check your communications, don’t sign any contracts, and stay out of fear. This is a great time for spring cleaning! Get it done now so that you can enjoy April and the calmer energy that will emerge towards the end of that month.

Spring Equinox March 20th
spring equinox will be most welcome on March 20th … the day when we have relatively equal amounts of day and night. It’s the official first day of Spring as well. We’ll have longer and longer periods of light until the summer solstice on June 21st. This is my favorite time of year, as each day grows longer, the trees and flowers begin to bloom again, people are more optimistic, and inspiration, hope, and renewal become more deeply ingrained.

New Moon and Solar Eclipse March 29 … Career Gua
The March 29th new moon and solar eclipse in Aries is about new beginnings. Aries marks the beginning of each new astrological year. Instinctively, we desire to start new things in spring. Aries is the sign of the ram. People feel more enthusiastic, energetic, courageous, pioneering, and impulsive when the moon and sun are in Aries. Spontaneity plays a big part as well.

The area of your house to work with during this cycle is the Career gua. If you are looking for a new job or career opportunity, or you wish to have more clarity about your life path, clean and refresh the center-front of your home and every room your home, prior to March 29th.  You have some good lead time on this. I encourage you to take inspired action and make progress. You’ll be glad you did.

Career Gua
The Career gua is the center-front of your home, every room in your home, your workspace, and your land, when you divide it into a grid of nine spaces, similar to a tic-tac-toe board. The energy of this area is about your life path, the activities about which you are most passionate, your work, or your calling. What are you driven to do? What do you yearn to do? Do you live your life in alignment with your deepest desires? The March 29th new moon is the perfect time to consider these things and make appropriate shifts so that you lived in alignment with your heart.


Clearing out all clutter and refreshing the front-center of each of the spaces within your home will get the energy flowing more freely. Open space helps more opportunities to come to you. Years ago, one of my clients lost her job. When I visited her home, a closet in her Career-gua was overstuffed. After clearing it out, letting go of what she no longer wanted, and organizing the rest, a great new job emerged. The best part is that she was able to put her most of severance pay into savings because her new job came much more quickly than anticipated.

I encourage you to look around your Career gua. Take photos and study them. If there is obvious clutter or blockages, clear them out. If things look neat and clean, go deeper and look for subtle messages within your space. Is your plumbing and electric in excellent working order? Plumbing and electric problems hinder the flow of health and money. Check your lamps and lights. Replace any burnt out lightbulbs. Wash mirrors and the glass on photos and pictures. Check your art … what are some of the subtle messages? Are they in alignment with where you would like to head or what you would like to happen?

The Career Gua and Water Energy

The Career area is associated with the Water element. The archetype for Water is the Philosopher. The Philosopher explores deep mysteries, searching for the truth. In the process, ignorance takes a back seat as new knowledge is uncovered. What role does “the Philosopher” play in your life? Is there something you’d love to learn or discover either about yourself, your work, or your life? In what areas do you embrace mystery or delve deeper into a topic? Where do you yearn to spend more time, scrutinize the meaning of the topic, or gain insight?

In balance, Water flows easily, without interruption. Water energy is curious, clever, candid, insightful, spiritual, and thinks things through. When Water energy is deficient, you might feel irritable, stingy, critical, fearful, superficial, or dry. Excess Water energy expresses itself as a lack of enthusiasm, depression, self-pity, stagnation, and being too blunt, detached, insensitive or lonely.

In the Five element system, each of the five elements have symbiotic relationships with each other. There’s a push and pull, of sorts. One element always strengthens another, while the remaining elements wear it down or deplete its energy to one degree or another. Water energy is supported and strengthened by Metal. Simultaneously, Water corrodes Metal or wears it down. In other words, it consumes it. In turn, Water feeds the plants and trees. In excess, floods and runoff occur. Water also extinguishes Fire and washes away Earth. Thus, Water is strengthened by Metal and depleted, consumed, or used up by Wood, Fire, and Earth.

Emphasize Metal and Water energy to create more flow.

If your Career or Life Path could benefit from more insight or use a boost, or you’d like to create more flow in your space, balance the area using décor that emphasizes Metal and Water elements. This can help provide a breakthrough and gets things moving in a new direction. Metal strengthens clarity and Water brings flow. If you feel anxious, overwhelmed, or in fear about things, you may have too much Water energy. In that case, tone it down by removing Water or Metal or adding Wood, Fire or Earth energies.

Harmonize your space by playing with the Five Elements. If your space is balanced and you’d like to emphasize Career, focus on activating the Water and Metal elements. Here are some suggestions for things to work with:

Water energy enhances flow and reflective, philosophical qualities. It is represented by:

  • Water features and water itself
  • Mirrors, windows, glass, reflective and shiny surfaces
  • Black and very dark colors
  • Free form, wavy and symmetrical shapes
  • Pictures of lakes, rivers, harbors, ocean views

energy helps bring clarity to a space. Metal items include:

  • Physical metal: gold, silver, brass, aluminum, etc.  (pots & pans, lamps, picture frames, art and sculptures)
  • Marble, granite, flagstone
  • Natural crystals, gems and rocks dug from deep within the earth
  • Circles, oval and arch shapes
  • White, gray, and pastel shades.

De-emphasize Wood, Fire and Earth elements. These are characterized by:

Wood energy is about vibrancy, growth and expansion. Wood is represented by:

  • Fresh flowers, plants, and trees
  • Floral fabrics and patterns
  • Vertical stripes and tall columns
  • Green and blue

brings dazzling, sparkling energy to a space. It is represented by:

  • Fire, flames, lights, sunlight, candles
  • Triangles, pyramids, diamond, and cone shapes
  • People and animals, as well as pictures and sculptures of people and animals
  • Electronics and electrical items
  • Red, burgundy and the red palette

energy grounds and anchors your space. Earth items include:

  • Wooden furniture (because it’s harvested wood)
  • Pottery, earthenware, bricks, and clay
  • Seashells and natural items
  • Square shapes
  • Oversized or heavy furniture that hugs the floor
  • Yellow, gold, brown and autumn/earth tones.

Look for Blockages in Your Career Gua

Blockages come in many forms and shapes. They interrupt the flow of chi or energy.  A blockage could be a piece of furniture that physically blocks a space or is difficult to get around, a closet or drawer that is overfull, a plumbing or electrical problem, a door that doesn’t fully open, a pile of forgotten or discarded items, etc. Blockages vary and can be a challenge to realize, particularly if you have been living with them for a long time. After 30 days, your eyes glaze over your space and you no longer see the exceptions.

If you have art of photos of a stormy sea or that is dark and gloomy, you might want to swap them out for something more uplifting and inspiring. If your windows or mirrors are smudged or dirty, wash them. Doing so helps you to have clearer vision.

Over the years I have encountered multiple blockages that clients didn’t realize they had, because that was how they typically lived. One client had a couch blocking the front door for the winter, another taped the front door shut, a third named a room “the junk room” and proceeded to fill it up. A fourth client was trying to sell a house that had a bullet hole from a BB-gun in a window near the front door. Each of these clients called about how to get the chi moving in their home. They were so consumed by their situations that they couldn’t see what was obvious to others. Scan your space with feng shui eyes and be open to seeing it in a new light.

Be sure to soften any, and all, sharp edges. Metal energy cuts to the heart of the matter and sometimes can be too rough or critical.

Career Gua and your Health

Healthwise, the Career gua aligns with your kidneys (your life-force center), bladder, and your ears, which are also linked to your kidney meridian. If you have related health concerns, adjust the Career guas (front-center areas) throughout your house to strengthen your health.

I’ve had clients who were unhappy in their Careers and also had ear and/or hearing problems. When they removed blockages in their Career guas, their hearing improved. Your kidneys are also associated with fear. If you’re feeling fearful about anything, adjusting the Career gua of your house and every room in your house can help get things moving forward for you.

Nine Tips to Revitalize Your Career Gua:

  • Hang a beautiful mirror in the center-front are of your home or any room in your home; make sure you can see your full head in it.
  • Add a symbol that reflects your passion, your work or calling, something you enjoy doing, perhaps a service you provide, or a hobby. The kanji symbols for the Five Elements sit above the door to my office, which is in the Career gua of my office.
  • If you want a new job, place a reminder of what you’d love to do and/or for whom.
  • Make a Vision Board and place it in a Career gua in your house or your office.
  • Add a water feature. Keep it clean and keep the water flowing.
  • Hang a windchime to activate energy.
  • Hang a crystal. Crystals regulate and also activate chi.
  • Light a lamp regularly, with intention.
  • Add a black or dark colored floormat for center-front entrances. Navy blue works well in the Career gua too.

The Influence of Center-Front Doors

Your front door is how energy comes to your house. It’s your main mouth of chi, even if you don’t use it. Think about this for a minute. Inactive front doors limit the level of chi coming to you on a regular basis. Regardless of if you enter through your front door or not, it is important to keep the area energized and in great shape. Open the door periodically and let the sun in. Sweep the stoops, steps and path leading to your front door. If you live in snow country, did you maintain a clear and open path to during the winter? If not, you may be feeling a bit depleted or depressed as winter wanes. This can be a result of blocked energy at your front door.

This is the month to do a reset and a refresh! Begin with your Career gua and also extend it to your front door, regardless of where it is located. You’ll benefit from revitalizing the area and attracting vibrant chi. Sweep away and remove winter debris. Eliminate squeaks and perhaps give your front door a fresh coat of paint. A vibrant, lovely color could be just the spark you need. Check your outside lights and make sure they are working properly. Replace burnt out lightbulbs. Place a welcoming door mat. A spring wreath is a nice touch too. Bring new inspiration to your life by jazzing up your front entrance.

Set Your Intentions with the March 29th New Moon and Solar Eclipse

Do a meditation on March 29th to set your intentions related to your career, work, life opportunities and activities you are most passionate about. New moons are the best times to set your intentions. You plant the seeds or your ideas, then allow them to take root for the next few weeks as the moon grows in intensity and light each night. This year, our Aries new moon coincides with a solar eclipse. Notice what flashes of insight, inspiration, and new ideas come to you over the next month, in particular. Also keep a vigilant eye on your physical safety. Stay aware and be somewhat cautious as you are doing physical activity through April 29th.


See your wishes taking root beneath the surface. Seeds take time to develop and grow. Honor the gestation time and trust the process. Two weeks later, check how they are coming along as the light of the full moon (April 12th) lights the sky.


Your intentions could relate to:

  • A new job or avocation
  • New means or resources for healing
  • Learning something new
  • Involvement with new projects or activities
  • Discovering more or deeper purpose and meaning in your life
  • Doing work or activities you love
  • Doing a job that fulfills your passion or purpose
  • Improving health related to your kidneys. bladder or ears
  • Releasing deeply held fear that is holding you back
  • Honoring your truth.


The Career gua of your space holds energy for your work and passion-driven projects and activity. Energetically, this area is related to the Water element. First, balance your space for your Career, Life Direction, and Opportunities and then enhance it for additional pursuits.

If you’d like some ideas and suggestions of ways to adjust the Career gua of your space, you can schedule 15 minutes for free or contact me at A consultation can help to put you on a path to success.