March 14: Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse March 15: Mercury Retrograde through April 7 March 20: Spring Equinox March 29: New Moon and Solar Eclipse We have an active month ahead! March begins in the shadow of the February 27th new moon in...
Currently Browsing: Career gua
April Feng Shui Forecast … April 1: Mercury Retrograde through April 25 April 8: New Moon and Solar Eclipse April 23: Full Moon April: Eclipse Season and Career Gua We begin April in the midst of eclipse season. We had a lunar...
May 5: Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse May 14: Mother's Day …Partnership Gua May 15: Mercury goes Direct May 19: New Moon in Taurus … Wealth Gua May 29: Memorial Day We begin May amidst eclipse season. There was a solar eclipse...
April 6: Full Moon April 20: New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Aries April 21: Mercury Retrograde through May 14th April 2023 is a month for new beginnings! The energy is all about new opportunities and fresh starts. It’s early spring....
March 7: Full Moon March 20: Spring Equinox March 21: New Moon in Aries March 7th Full Moon: Focus on Your Health We begin the month moving towards the March 7th full moon in Virgo. The full moon is when things come to light. If you...