FLFE is a unique energy service engineered to enhance the level of consciousness in our environment. Rooted in the principles of multiple disciplines of consciousness studies, quantum science and qualitative & quantitative research, FLFE...
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May 5: Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse May 14: Mother's Day …Partnership Gua May 15: Mercury goes Direct May 19: New Moon in Taurus … Wealth Gua May 29: Memorial Day We begin May amidst eclipse season. There was a solar eclipse...
Would you like to feel better and have more energy every day? If so, I recommend that you do a 15-day free trial for Focused Life Force Energy and see if it makes a difference for you. One client told me that she tried it and she liked it....
A significant aspect of feng shui is how chi flows between your inner and outer worlds. When your energy is calm on the inside, chances are you’ll find peace in your outer environment. And tranquility in your outer environment...