The planet of communications, Mercury, will be retrograde in the sign of Sagittarius from Monday, November 25 until Sunday, December 15. This will influence holiday communications and travel plans. Allow extra time to get places. Anticipate delays. Also, be aware of how you communicate with others. The Sagittarius tendency would be to blurt things out and speak your mind. This could get you into a lot of trouble. Rather than be blunt, or even rude, it would be wise to take a softer, gentler, and kind approach. This year, simply be more considerate. In general, people have been going through a lot and are quite stressed. Think before speaking and be kind when you do.
Mercury retrograde is also not the time to purchase new electronics. It’s fine to do repairs. Although you may be tempted by various black Friday and holiday sales, you will be likely disappointed if you purchase computers, phones, tablets, or other electronics during this period. Many retailers start their holiday sales early. I recommend that you make your electronic purchases before November 25th or after December 15th. If you shop early, November 5 – 9 and November 15 are good days to make purchases. If you shop late, December 18, 19, and 23 would be good days for your purchases.
Basically, pay attention to detail, read the fine print, be gentle with your words, and allow extra time between appointments and for travel.
If you like to travel, this three-week period is a great time to research and gather data for a future trip. Finalize the details beginning a few days after Mercury goes direct.
There’s no need to worry about Mercury retrograde periods. They occur three to four times annually and we always get through them. You can move through these cycles with ease by planning ahead and consciously communicating with others. If you tend to live life by “the seat of your pants” or always “in the moment,” these cycles could be a bit uncomfortable for you. This year, you might take a new approach and stay a step ahead.
Activities that are in alignment with Mercury Retrograde periods are typically those that begin with “re …” Thus, it’s a good time to:
Reconnect with family and friends
Reflect on where you’re headed
Reconsider your options
Read and rest
Ready to begin a new project? This is a good time to:
Renovate and remodel
Refinish furniture
Repaint a room
It’s also a great time for self-care. Consider a retreat to replenish yourself and your energy.
Whatever you choose to do, be patient with yourself and others, be extra clear with your communications (but not blunt or rude), listen before responding, lighten your schedule and allow extra time between appointments and events.