November 1: New Moon in Scorpio
November 15: Full Moon
November 19: A Planetary Shift as Pluto Moves into Aquarius
November 25: Mercury Retrograde through December 15
We begin the month with a new moon in Scorpio on November 1st. New moons are a time for new beginnings. It’s an ideal day to do a meditation and set intentions for the month ahead. The area of your home to work with this month is the Wealth gua. This is the back-left corner of your house, every room in your house, your office or workspace, and your yard or land.
The energy of this area influences:
- Prosperity
- Finances
- Blessings
- Hips, Thighs, Pelvis
- Nervous System
- Respiration and Breathing
If you would like to strengthen, shift, or improve the flow of energy within any of these areas, November is an ideal month to do so. Begin by setting an intention on Friday November 1, do a mediation to seal your intention, and then activate your Wealth gua if you haven’t done so already.
The Wealth gua is a Wood area in the feng shui bagua. Thus, Wood energy should predominate but all five elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water) should be present. Wood energy is a vibrant life force represented by upward growing trees, fresh plants and flowers, green, and vertical columns and stripes.
Wood energy supports upward growth and expansion, taking inspired action, and forward movement. Wood energy helps you to overcome obstacles. If you’ve been feeling stuck, bring some Wood energy into your environment, and particularly in the Wealth gua this month. A little can go a long way. Too much of a good thing throws things off balance though.
Tips to activate your Wealth gua:
- Hang a beautiful crystal.
- Place a healthy, upward growing, green plant or a vase of fresh flowers.
- Hang a mirror.
- Hang a picture of a waterfall, with the water flowing into the room.
- Incorporate green, blue, purple, red or gold into your décor.
- Include a water feature … keep it clean and flowing. Limit splatters.
- Hang a windchime.
- Add items with stripes or vertical columns.
- Include something that reminds you of prosperity.
- Hang a feng shui flute at the Wealth gua angle. (Contact Peg for more information).
In the various wealth corners throughout my house, I have:
A feng shui flute hung at the Wealth angle,
A photograph of a beautiful waterfall flowing towards the large part of a room,
A mirror,
A salt lamp,
A treasure box with gold, frankincense, and myrrh,
A lamp.
Outside, we have a pond where the water flows towards our house.
Clean Your Wealth Gua Before Activating It
Before activating your Wealth guas, remove physical obstacles, clear out clutter, dust, vacuum, and do a general refresh of the areas. Obstacles could include piles of magazines, books, paper, discarded or forgotten items, excess clothing, piles of shoes or toys, overstuffed file cabinets or closets, and much more, Clutter is anything that you no longer use or love. We all have some, in various degrees. Whether or not it slows you down, depends on your situation.
If your Wealth gua is in good shape yet you’ve faced obstacles and challenges related to prosperity, the block may be within yourself. Reflect on your thoughts, words, and feelings. What have you been telling yourself? If more of your focus has been based in fear and anxiety about what’s not happening for you, this could be setting you back.
Take time to reflect on what you really want. Notice your language. Are you using positive, expansive, and affirming words, or is your focus on what’s missing, what you’re unable to do (such as pay outstanding bills or obligations), or “lack” in general.
Although there are many paths to victory, each of us attracts the net result of the energy that we put out. “Wanting” something is yearning for something in the future. Yet, we are never in the future. We are always and only in the present moment. To attract prosperity, you must feel and experience prosperity from wherever you are right now. How do you do this if you are genuinely not feeling it? There are several ways. Here are six ideas:
- Create a Vision Board that expresses what you’d love to Be, Do or Have. Place pictures, images, reminders, and words of experiences you’d love to have. Get excited about the possibilities of things shifting for you as you do this. Be open to positive change.
- Spend time with family and friends doing things you love. Share a delicious meal. Spend time in nature. Do a fun activity. Reflect on happier times. Laugh.
- Get lost in a good book or movie! Step into someone else’s life for a while and feel what it would be like to live a joyful and abundant life.
- Get outside in nature. Go for a walk. Observe the beauty of the natural environment.
- Meditate. Do a guided meditation to get out of your own head.
- Journal. Write in increments of nine things for which you are grateful. Once you get started, my bet is that quite a bit will come to you! 81 items would be great to strive for … 9x9. This is a prosperous number.
- Write people notes of appreciation. Expressing gratitude brings more prosperity to you.
- Do something nice for someone else … pay something forward.
Each of these activities will help to lift your frequency and thus bring more prosperity to you. Your job is to keep it going so that you begin to experience the flow. Once you’re in the flow, it’s easier to stay there. I recommend allowing about two weeks to experience a lasting shift, after you consciously begin to raise your vibe around prosperity. It can happen faster too!
You might also like to check out my e-book: 365 Affirmations for Prosperity on Amazon. You’ll receive an affirmation for each day of the year.
November 15th Full Moon
The November 15th full moon is an ideal day to check in and note what is shifting for you. Do a meditation to quiet your energy, clear your head, and to tap into the divine. Give sincere thanks and reflect on what has shifted over the past two weeks. Notice things small and large. The small things are not to be discounted or overlooked. They lead to larger things!
Make a lifelong commitment to continue on the path of gratitude and appreciation. Once you’re on track, it’s easier to stay in the flow.
If you’d like some customized help, consult Peg about the best ways to shift your space or shift yourself and bring in more prosperity. You can save 50% and get a half hour consult for $45.00. This is my gift to you!