December 1: New Moon in Sagittarius
December 6: Mars Retrograde through February 23
December 15: Full Moon and last day of Mercury Retrograde
December 21: Winter Solstice
December 30: New Moon in Capricorn
We begin the month with a new moon in Sagittarius on December 1st. New moons are a time for new beginnings. It’s an ideal day to do a meditation and set intentions for the month ahead. The area of your home to work with this month is the Knowledge gua. This is the front-left corner of your house, every room in your house, your office or workspace, and your yard or land.
The energy of this area influences:
- Your deep inner wisdom and intuition
- Knowing what to do
- Your belief system
- How you feel about yourself
- Your vision, motivation, and direction
- Higher learning and study
- Self-reflection, spirituality, and transformation
- Your back, shoulders, arms and hands
If you would like to shift, strengthen, or improve the flow of energy within any of these areas, December is an ideal month to do so. Begin by setting an intention on Sunday December 1, seal your intention with a meditation, and then activate your Knowledge gua if you haven’t done so already.
The Knowledge gua is an Earth area in the feng shui bagua. Thus, Earth energy should predominate in this area, but all five elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water) should be present. Earth is a grounding and stabilizing energy represented by the fall palette of colors (particularly yellow and brown), square shapes, bricks, pottery and earthenware, seashells, low, heavy furniture and items close to the ground.
The trigram for this gua is the Mountain trigram . It is designated by two dashed lines capped with a solid line on top. This trigram represents the stillness that lies with each individual, when you stop and take the time to reflect and go within yourself.
Earth energy provides your foundation. It is nurturing, comfortable, stable, grounding and unifying. When there is too little, you might feel spiritually or emotionally closed off. You might also have concerns about survival and feel unstable. When there is too much earth energy in your space, you might feel stuck, paralyzed, smothered. Your thinking could be muddled, you constantly worry about things, and you can’t do enough to please others.
Tips to activate your Knowledge gua during the holidays:
- Incorporate natural items … pinecones, berries, and balsam fir are great for the holidays
- Add some fire colors … red or pink
- Light a candle (battery ones are fine and safe)
- Hang holiday lights
- Display a globe or travel map
- Hang a mountain picture or place a mountain sculpture
- Place greens in beautiful pottery
- Include some of your favorite self-help books and resources.
In the various knowledge corners throughout my house, I have:
A large globe on a stand
A visionary book award
Pictures of places we enjoy traveling too
An earthy wreath
Outside, a set of fu dogs greets everyone who enters our driveway. During the warmer months, we usually place yellow flowers here.
Clean Your Knowledge Gua Before Activating It
It’s great to do a thorough cleaning before decorating for the holidays. This year, in particular, give extra attention to the front-left corners of your house and each room in it. Remove clutter, toss out trash, wash glass … windows, picture frames and mirrors, tidy up cabinets and closets, double-clean your stove if it’s located here, let go of outdated magazines, dust and vacuum deep into the corners (low and high), replace burnt out lightbulbs, trim and refresh houseplants.
After cleaning, consciously activate your Knowledge gua and decorate for the holidays. As you do so, reflect on what will bring you the most joy this holiday season. Consider the various ways you will tap into this and make it happen for yourself.
If your Knowledge guas are in good shape, yet you feel sad, blocked, or out of touch with your inner spirit, you might do a mediation, journal to express your feelings, have a chat with a close friend, prepare a vision board. Think of a time when you were your happiest, bring it into your mind’s eye and hold that feeling for at least 68 seconds daily. Visualize what you’d love to happen for yourself and hold that vision, while feeling how your felt at your happiest times, and hold it for 68 seconds (or four 17 second segments). This is a powerful exercise that can really help you to shift.
Take time to reflect on what you really want. Notice your language. Use positive, expansive, and affirming words. If your focus is on what’s missing … that’s what you’ll get! Instead, conjure up images of what brings you joy and makes you happy and you’ll experience more of these feelings on a regular basis.
December 15th Full Moon
The December 15th full moon is an ideal day to check in and note what is shifting for you. Do a meditation to quiet your energy, clear your head, and to tap into the divine. Give sincere thanks and reflect on what has shifted over the past two weeks. Notice things small and large. The small things are not to be discounted or overlooked. They lead to larger things!
Make a lifelong commitment to continue on the path of self-discovery, gratitude and appreciation. Once you’re on track, it’s easier to stay in the flow.
December 30th New Moon in Capricorn
Moving right along, we end the month with a new moon in Capricorn. The area of your home to work with for January is the Fame gua, the center-back of your space. This area is about shining a light on yourself. You don’t have to bring in public attention. It’s a reminder to use the month to clarify your goals and intentions and be in integrity with your true desires and wishes. Take the time to tune into yourself as you begin a new year.
If you’d like some customized help, consult Peg about the best ways to shift your space to tap more deeply into your intuition and guidance system. You can save 50% and get a half hour consult for $45.00. This is my gift to you!