Currently Browsing: Knowledge Gua

June 2024 Feng Shui Forecast

June 6: New Moon in Gemini June 16: Father’s Day June 20: Summer Solstice June 21: Full Moon   June 6: New Moon in Gemini We begin the month heading towards a new moon in Gemini on Thursday, June 6th. To put yourself in the best position...

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December 2023 Feng Shui Forecast

December 12: New Moon in Sagittarius… Energize Your Knowledge Gua December 13: Mercury Goes Retrograde through January 1st December 21: Winter Solstice … Stability and Stable Growth December 26: Full Moon We begin December in the...

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June 2023 Feng Shui Forecast … Update Your Knowledge Gua

June Feng Shui Forecast … June 3: Full Strawberry Moon June 18: New Moon and Father’s Day … Knowledge Gua June 21: Summer Solstice June 3 Full Moon in Sagittarius ... Check in About Prosperity We begin June heading towards the...

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November 2022 Feng Shui Forecast … Express Gratitude

November 8: Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse November 23: New Moon in Sagittarius … Knowledge Gua November 24: Thanksgiving Day (USA) October 30 - January 12, 2023: Mars Retrograde Planning Cycle   We’re in eclipse season. Eclipses...

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June Feng Shui Forecast

  May 30th New Moon in Gemini … Knowledge Gua June 4th: Mercury moves forward June 14th Full Moon June 19th Father’s Day and the Helpful People & Travel Gua June 21st: Summer Solstice  June 28th: New Moon in Cancer...

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May 2022 Feng Shui Forecast

  April 30th New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Taurus … Wealth Gua May 8th Mother’s Day … Partnership Gua May 10th Mercury goes Retrograde through June 3rd May 16th Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio … Wealth...

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