January Feng Shui Forecast …
December 30: New Moon in Capricorn … Activate your Fame Gua
January 6: 12th Day of Christmas
January 13: Full Moon … breakthrough energy
January 16: Focus on your Helpful People and Travel Gua
January 23: A Great Day to Set Intentions
January 29: New Moon in Aquarius and Lunar New Year (Yin Wood Snake)
As we begin January in the shadow of the December 30th new moon in Capricorn, notice what captures your attention and allow things to unfold for a bit. Capricorn is a practical, grounded, and determined Earth sign. The Capricorn new moon will help you to focus on your direction and goals, responsibilities, duty, vision, long-term planning, and achievements. This clear and focused sign helps you to organize activities, consider the long-term implications, and plan for the future. Use the momentum of the new moon to get organized and identify your options.
There is no need to rush into setting annual resolutions. Chances are high that they will change, as you reconsider your direction through February 23rd. The planet Mars is retrograde until then. This is the best time consider your goals for the next two years; wait until February 24 or later to implement them.
Envision Your Future
January is a good month for a reset. Pause, reflect, reorganize yourself and your home, and add structure to what you’d love to manifest. Susannah Conway’s annual “Unravel Your Year” is a great guide. Sit in a comfortable spot and do a meditation, long enough to relax and feel your energy flow. Pay attention to what comes into your consciousness. Then get a beverage of your choice and a pad of paper or a notebook. Write about your vision, intentions, and goals. Include as many details as you can. Define who, what, where, how, and when things will get done. Know that you don’t have to do everything yourself. Anticipate and expect help from “unseen” sources as you go along.
You might enjoy creating a vision board. This is an inspiring process where you place images, words, art, and other representations of your desires on a poster board, bulletin board, your wall or any surface your desire. Suspend doubt about how something might manifest and fast forward to the end result of having or experiencing it. Really feel it and believe you can have it. Your job is to decide what you’d love to be, do, or have and allow the Universe to help get it done. Vision boards are powerful. They work!
Focus on your Fame Gua until mid-month
The Fame gua is the back-center area of your home and every room in your home when you place a grid of nine blocks over it, similar to a tic tac toe board. The Fame gua is directly opposite the Career gua, which is the Center-front of your space. As you put away your holiday décor, place your focus on your Fame gua, until mid-month. It correlates to the December 30th new moon in Capricorn.
The Fame gua is associated with the Fire element. Fire energy illuminates your path. It energizes and boosts your goals, helping to bring them alive. Capricorn new moons provide the perfect foundation for you to seek what you want in life, and to put the processes and structures in place to support whatever you’d like to create for yourself.
Activating your Fame gua brings you more visibility by shining your light to the world. January is an ideal month to do this, particularly if you would like to:
- Draw from your wellspring, your inner source of power
- Clarify your goals and direction
- Define and/or strengthen your personal plan
- Put a solid foundation in place
- Add structure to support your efforts
- Fully use your resources
- Manage your responsibilities
- Get a new job
- Be better known
Read more about the Fame Gua. (Note that the dates in this link are for 2024 though!)
Release What’s Not Working in your life and Set Intentions on January 13th and 23rd
On Monday, January 13th, notice what comes to your attention that you might want to release. It’s a good time to let go of what no longer holds true for you or what no longer works for you This includes clutter! For me, this includes items that are chipped, broken (or beyond repair) or worn out. Let these things go and then reflect on and what would bring you joy this year.
As the light of the full moon shines bright, may it fill you with you and inspiration as well. Put your inspirations in a red envelope, activate them with a prayer or blessing. Place your red envelope in the Fame gua of your home, bedroom, or office. Write your intention in the present tense, using positive words, just as if it’s happening for you now. For example: “I welcome a fresh start for 2025 as my dreams and intentions come to life.” You can also be more specific. The more details you include, the better your result.
Seal your intentions with a meditation. As you meditate, visualize the end result of your intentions. Give them positive energy and see them unfolding for yourself. Let go of how things will happen. Your job is to set your intentions and embrace the outcome. Leave the details up to the Universe. What you ask for may come to you in ways you don’t even anticipate. Be open to the unexpected in positive ways, so that you notice and express gratitude when it arrives.
Shift Your Focus Mid-Month to Helpful People and Travel!
Beginning about January 16th, a few days after the full moon, shift your focus to your Helpful People and Travel gua. This is the front-right corner of all of your spaces … your home, every room, your workspace, your land. This area is about the right people coming into your life at the right time. It is also about travel to places you’d love to go. My husband and I would love to travel to Japan within the next year or two. We’ll set our intentions during the latter part of the month. And, as fortune would have it, we may be meeting with helpful people about such a trip at the end of January!
The Helpful People and Travel gua is energized by Metal in the Five Element System. Earth supports Metal … so it’s a great area to feature Earth and Metal elements in your space. Avoid having too many Water, Wood or Fire elemental features.
Here is a link to read more deeply about the Helpful People and Travel gua that I posted last year.
Rare Star of David on January 23rd
January 23rd is also a super day to set your intentions and take inspiring action to get them started. There’s a unique astrological configuration on this day called the Star of David. Set a strong intention for something you want to attract or for a new start. Your intentions will get an assist during this cycle. (Your intentions can be the same on January 13 and 23rd, or they may change. We are in Mars retrograde when it is common to change plans). Mark your calendar and use it well.
A Heads Up for Chinese New Year
Chinese Lunar New Year is Wednesday, January 29th. It will be the year of the Yin Wood Snake. Feb 4th is the day to refresh your annual cures. I’ll write about this in the February newsletter. If you would like an annual Flying Star update, contact Peg. These will be done during January, in time for you to order any bagua mirrors or other cures you may need prior to February 4th.
Contact Peg for a Consultation
If you’d like help applying these concepts to your space, contact Peg for a consultation. It can help to put you on a path to success.