April 1st: New Moon in Aries … Focus on Career Gua April 16th: Full Moon in Libra April 30th: New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Taurus … Wealth Gua Early April: Revitalize Your Career Gua and Life Purpose April is a...
Currently Browsing: Feng Shui
Your home is your private sanctuary, away from the daily stresses and hustle of the outer world. It’s your safe place, where you are meant to relax and be yourself. A calm environment contributes to peace within yourself. When you...
Spring officially begins in the Northern Hemisphere on March 20th (for those in the Southern Hemisphere, it’s the beginning of fall). We’ll have relatively equal hours of day and night, as the sun rises and sets due east and set due west...
March 2nd: New Moon in Pisces March 18th: Full Moon in Virgo March 20th: Spring Equinox March: Focus on the Center of your Home We begin the month with a new moon in Pisces on March 2nd. The energy of this new moon is associated with the...
I had the pleasure of exploring Edinburgh, Scotland for two weeks in December. What a fabulous trip! The city is a feng shui delight of various neighborhoods, each with a unique character and vibe. My husband, daughter, and I leisurely walked...
February 1st: New Moon in Aquarius; Year of the Water Tiger begins February 3rd: Mercury Retrograde ends February 4th: Solar New Year; Make Annual Feng Shui Changes February 16th: Full Moon in Leo February is a month to move...