February 4: Chinese Solar New Year February 9: New Moon in Aquarius … Update Your HP&T Gua February 10: Chinese Lunar New Year February 14: Valentine’s Day February 24: Full Snow Moon We begin February heading into a third quarter...
Feng Shui Tips for Valentine’s Day As you celebrate Valentine’s Day this month, there are three key areas of your home that you might review and give some attention, if appropriate. These areas can help you to celebrate a...
January 1: Mercury Retrograde Ends January 6: 12th Day of Christmas January 11: New Moon in Capricorn… Balance Your Fame Gua January 25: Full Wolf Moon The December 21st winter solstice ushered in some very nice energy for stability and...
Need a gift idea or would you like to do something special for yourself? Check out the offerings with Tricia Duffy Foggo at Bermuda Fog Astrology! Tricia is one of my five sisters and she’s an intuitive astrologer, based in Bermuda. She can help...
December 12: New Moon in Sagittarius… Energize Your Knowledge Gua December 13: Mercury Goes Retrograde through January 1st December 21: Winter Solstice … Stability and Stable Growth December 26: Full Moon We begin December in the...
It’s Mercury Retrograde time again. If you’ve been following these cycles for a while, you know the drill: Lighten up your schedule … allow space between commitments. Don’t purchase electronics (including cars)...
It’s that time of year again: the holidays! This is a time of excitement, happiness, and joy for some people; depression, anxiety, and stress for others and a mix of both for many. If you’re feeling out of sorts or mixed...
November 13: New Moon in Scorpio… Update Your Wealth Gua November 23: Thanksgiving Day, USA November 27: Full Moon We begin November in the midst of a very chaotic cycle, magnified by the two October eclipses. Expect the various disruptions...
October 14: New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Libra… Focus on Balance October 28: Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse We begin October in the shadow of the September 29 full harvest moon. Many people are feeling overwhelmed, while others are angry. Both...